Thread: 1930 ford tudor glass templates
03-31-2005 01:53 AM #1
1930 ford tudor glass templates
Hey guys, anyone out there who can send me paper templates of all the glass for a 1930 tudor I would be truly greatfull. I could go to all the trouble of making ply cutouts and making sure they slide and blah blah blah, but I am sure someone has done this before. Anyone????
Thanks in advance
Ps I know you can but them new in the U.S.A but I need Australian stencils on them to be pass by my engineer."Those who know not and know not that they know not; are fools, AVOID THEM. Those who know not and know that they know not, are intelligent, EDUCATE THEM".
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04-04-2005 05:15 PM #2
OK I gave up waiting for you A model guys to helpand made them myself!
Took one full day.
I suppose it was best to knock them out myself as there could be a slight difference in opening size between vehicles, allthough my left matched my right puuurfectly.
Andy."Those who know not and know not that they know not; are fools, AVOID THEM. Those who know not and know that they know not, are intelligent, EDUCATE THEM".
04-04-2005 06:29 PM #3
Better than my suggestion. I would have asked the glass company to have "made in Assie.." on the glass, even if made here...
The rules and BS you guys have to deal with is unreal. That and the ASRF has too much influence. The pictures of those old people running things is too funny. No offense to anyone on this board, but everyone in ASRF management looks like they're all 75+ (with the sense of humor to match).---Tom
1964 Studebaker Commander
1964 Studebaker Daytona
04-04-2005 07:49 PM #4
Yes I kind of aggree swifster. But that said you do what ya gotta to get it on the road.
It's just got me worried that eventually you will need to be a financial member of the ASRF to actually have a hotrod on the road. What a joke that would be when a private organisation can stop you registering a vehicle with the government body. My oppinion is that if this organisation gets its hand on the opportunity to be the sole provider of Hotrod registration in this country it would be sacralidge (sp). Not to mention a monopoly. There should allways be a way to register your vehicle without being part of any club. Don't get me wrong they have done a lot for hot rodders in this country but don't take it away from the guy who wants NO part of being in a club. If they keep pushing, the "loner" will be out on his ear with no viable option but to "join". Sounds like some sought of cult hey???
Andy."Those who know not and know not that they know not; are fools, AVOID THEM. Those who know not and know that they know not, are intelligent, EDUCATE THEM".
Stole from FB...
the Official CHR joke page duel