Thread: brake line too close to headers
10-14-2005 08:13 PM #1
brake line too close to headers
Had the motor rebuilt and now it runs great for 15 minutes or so, and then the brakes start to lock up. Looks like the break line is too close to the headers and is getting too hot. Yeh, I'm a rookie at this.....I changed the brake fluid to dot 5 and flushed but that didn't help. Should I use another type of line for high preformance? I have a 454 bored to 460 in '66 Chevelle. Help
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10-14-2005 08:17 PM #2
I believe I'd get a length of thermal wrap and insulate the brake line.Ken Thomas
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10-14-2005 08:31 PM #3
i guess it could be the problem, but as far as i know when the brake fluid boil you loose you brakes not lock them up. do that NTFDAY said and see, might need to do that anyway. explane it a little more if you can on what it does. how do you get them unlocked?Mike
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10-14-2005 08:39 PM #4
It happened on the way home, so I took the tires off and bled the lines, after I flushed and changed fluid I tried again and it started locking down again, did the same thing, so I took them off again and bled lines. The line is hard to bend, but I tried to push away from the headers thinking that might be the problem. The lines are right up against the headers in a couple places. NOT MUCH ROOM ........TOgirls can drive too
10-14-2005 09:10 PM #5
i dont know, but brake fluid has to get pretty hot to boil, and when it does boil it causes air and air dont lock up brakes that i know of. brake pads get hotter sometimes than headers, it wouldnt hurt to insulate it like NTFDAY said and see . it sure won't hurt anything. if you dont have any, put something between the header and line and tyr it. let us know what it is. i dont think thats it, but now you got that on your mind you need to do something about that first. are all the wheels locked up?Mike
check my home page out!!!
10-16-2005 08:22 AM #6
if you get heat tranfer to the master cylinder it will swell and not release. run a new line or wrap your header. i worked on hyd systems on aircraft and heat was a no no.
06-10-2014 02:39 PM #7
Hey Tracie, just wondering how you made out with this problem I am having the same issue.
06-10-2014 03:27 PM #8
First, welcome to the forum, and glad you're here.
Second, you pulled up a thread that was active in October 2005, going on nine years ago, and if you click Tracie's name and then select "View Profile" you'll see that his last activity was 10-16-2005 @ 06:54 PM. I doubt that you're going to get any response from him, and many will see the date on the thread and pass by without seeing that you've renewed it. You'd fare better starting a new thread.Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
06-10-2014 08:19 PM #9
Mod note: Instead of dredging up 9 year old threads it is best to start new ones.
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