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Thread: What can I use to get rid of rust?

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  1. #1
    BigTruckDriver is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    What can I use to get rid of rust?


    I have a got a cart thats in good condition, structure wise, but it has some rust on it.So, its obviously going to need paint too.Is ther something I can use to get the rust ,and maybe leave a good painting surface? To wash it down I am going to take it to the car wash.Thanks

  2. #2
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    Get a kids blow up swimming pool, fill it with water, and stir in one gallon of mollasses. Soak the cart in that for a week, and the rust will be gone. I know that sounds weirder than owl sh#t, but it really does work!!!
    Old guy hot rodder

  3. #3
    BigTruckDriver is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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  4. #4
    Ives Bradley's Avatar
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    He is right.
    Choose your battles well===If it dont go chrome it

  5. #5
    Corvette64's Avatar
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    And don't forget to treat it with some phosphoric acid after the part is removed and rinse off.

    By the way, Easy Off oven cleaner is my favorite paint remover.

  6. #6
    BigTruckDriver is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Originally posted by Corvette64
    And don't forget to treat it with some phosphoric acid after the part is removed and rinse off.

    By the way, Easy Off oven cleaner is my favorite paint remover.
    I am going to try the easy off,that stuff will take off you'r finger.

  7. #7
    Aster's Avatar
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    Go to Ace Hardware and get "Ospho". It's green liquid in a semi-clear bottle in the paint section. Also, get a trigger spray bottle to put it on with. It turns the iron oxide into iron phoshate (I think that's right...I didn't take chemistry) and you can paint over it the next day...or when it's dry. Be careful, the stuff's rough on the eyes and nose so use goggles and mask...and spray downwind. It will also turn your driveway white so be careful where you use it. Used properly it's great stuff and we use it a lot here on the coast.

  8. #8
    BigTruckDriver is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks for the ideas,I am going to spray some oven cleaner and let it sit for a while(with out the tires. ).Wash it of with water,and let it dry.Then give it a light sanding, and blow it off with compressed air. The I am going to use the OSpho stuff ,let it dry ,then paint semi gloss black,or RED,or CHEVY ORANGE! Thanks.

    Dang a good cart is expensive!
    Last edited by BigTruckDriver; 12-06-2005 at 03:32 PM.

  9. #9
    Corvette64's Avatar
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    I've used the ospho stuff too. It works, but I really don't like the white residue. Plus it burned into my garage floor. As for the Easy Off, lye is the ingredient that makes it work. I used to get a kids pool and pour several cans of Drano in there. Put your parts in and wait a day or so for the paint to just fall off the metal. Can't find lye based drain cleaner anymore for some reason. I guess no one makes their own soap anymore.

  10. #10
    BigTruckDriver is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I use oven cleaner to tke off anodizing off of aluminum parts.Just can't leave it on to long because the oven cleaner will start to eat away the alum. too.

  11. #11
    81 cabellero's Avatar
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    Oven cleaner is awesome......i use it when i rebuild cylinder heads...melts all oil and carbon off as well....paint leave it on for a longer time.........
    old habits die hard

  12. #12
    Ozziuteguy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey Guys,
    I'm an electroplater by trade [no I'm not chroming your bumper!!lol] and I play with this stuff all the time.
    Yep thats right,phosphoric acid turns Iron oxide [rust] into a more stable form Iron phosphate.
    Oven cleaner,Drano are strong Alkilis.Caustic soda.
    This will remove paint,anodising and will eat aluminium if left too
    All of the above will eat eyeballs,skin,conctrete etc.
    Be very careful with it.
    Always add small volumes of chemicals to a lot of water.
    Never the other way round.
    Heat can be generated too.
    Never add these chemicals to hot water.especially caustic.
    I have the scars to prove that caustic into hot water
    can instantly boil and erupt.
    Safest bet is to get it professionaly stripped.
    If you must do it yourself.safety glasses and gloves are the go.

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