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Thread: I'm Outta Here....

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  1. #16
    treekiller's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Ya ? thats ? What i ......uh


    YA! what he said, thanks............. justin........? " Toaster don't forget me "

  2. #17
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Well now, haven't seen "fun" like this since I had employees. And, in a way, there are some similarities. Sometimes it takes a little airing out of opinions to establish a tone. And opinions are like belly buttons, everyone's got one.

    A lot of good folks here have made considerable effort to get this forum off the ground and running. No one moreso than Brent who maintains, and pays for, the on going existance of this place. He has given us a great place to exchange ideas. It started out slowly, and good folks like Don Meyer, Dave Brisco, Larry M, Dean (Weeg), Al, and many more that I'm forgetting to mention have been here quite a while. That's not to say new folks are not welcome, that's the whole point of maintaining the flow of conversation exchange, so that other's will find value. Hopefully they'll stick around and add to the information flow. Being humans, we all have personality traits. And not all personalities will mesh compatibily. And boys will be boys. Some are a bit thin skinned, others like to joke and jab. Some self moderation on the wisecracks and snide remarks is probably in order. At the same time, there is a sense of comraderie that will lend itself to "rough" humor. The better you know the other person the more likely you are to understand the nature of the ribbing. If you're unwilling to spend the time to get to know folks the less likely you are to understand the "humor". But like most things, too much of the "locker room" humor can get tiring too.

    Let's take this in context. A red flag has gone up, some have been forthright about their feelings, and I think, without rancor. Dano, I must have missed what pushed you over the edge, but it must have been important to you. If you are sticking to your comment about leaving, my best to you. If in the cool light of afterthought you change your mind, welcome back. As for the rest of the dynamic here, I hope we can return to a thoughtful exchange of ideas and experiences, mixed in with some fun stuff, and some personal observations. Remember, there will still likely be some instances of comments made that will offend someone, somewhere. All I would ask is that we each consider our remarks in the sense of how they may be read, not just in how we know inside our own head what we meant to say. I will make my best effort to do so, I hope each of you will. Afterall, I've enjoyed the company of just about everyone who's hung out here. I've learned a lot, and hopefully have given insight to those who've sought it when I could.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  3. #18
    floorhoar's Avatar
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    In the two weeks or so that I had found this site, I have watched it deteriorate into a put down site. Some people can't afford a blown chevy 34 ford with all the bells and whistles. To be told your "rat rod" is a peice of garbage is bull, and to be told over and over again that Chevy Rules is bull also! last night I came home and after dinner I came to this forum to read every one of the questions as I aways do hopeing to refresh or learn something new. What do I find...SOS Moaning about someone wanting to use this site for free to see if they are interested in buying what the guy has to sell! If you look up in the upper right hand corner you see the words CLASSIFIED, to me that would mean it's OK to sell some part or car on this site. If you don't want that, then take the CLASSIFIED sign off and put in big RED letters NO PARTS OR CARS TO BE SOLD ON THIS SITE! without you first becomeing a member! Last night was about the last time for me also But Dano beat me to the draw. While my input is next to nill, I really enjoy cars. I grew up drag raceing and building engines and cars for fun, Santa Maria Drag Strip Ca. was 15 mi. away but that was many moons ago. I am not a Nam Vet! I would have gone if I had to but My draft# was to high. Four of my Five best friends came home in Body Bags, The fifth came back a Herion addict. Some one wrote back to Dano one night, that he needed to watch his language because their were young people on this site, I think most of them have heard four letter words at school, But what we need to be teaching more than anything else is respect for there elders! if the Geezers? show them we don't respect ourselves. what are they going to learn here about treating each other? A little ribbing is O.K. But when it's constant it gets OLD... Mr. Parmenter is right sometimes the boss has to get things back on track! Later,R.W.

  4. #19
    OldSub's Avatar
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    I guess I'm a little frustrated by this thread.

    When I first discovered this board I liked it because of the range of cars discussed and the geographic diversity of the participants.

    I only post here occasionally and of late I've realized that I do most my posting on another board where I see the least fun made of other postings, and reasonable courtesy accorded all participants.

    I'm not quite old enough to have gone to Viet Nam and I'm still working for a living, and I guess I have enough stress between career and teenage kids to feel that I don't need my hobby to contribute more.

    I want this board and the others I visit to enhance the pleasure I have with my hot rods. Developing friendships with like-minded people is part of that. Worrying how some members will respond to or flame my posts does subtract from that pleasure.

    I don't know that I added anything meaningful to this thread, but I did add my two cents. Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts.

  5. #20
    Dan J's Avatar
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    I assume that most people visiting this forum have come for answers to their questions, to learn more about the issues concerning this hobby, and to share personal knowledge with others. This sounds like a pretty simple arrangement... communication of thoughts and ideas among individuals, benefiting all that participate. WOW, it’s not like we’re discussing politics or religion on this forum, so why have “emotions” gotten so involved lately? Try this.

    Almost everyone that comes to this site and “invests” his or her time will feel that they have a “vested interest” in CHR. No matter how significant or insignificant the contribution, most will garner satisfaction from their participation. But, when someone provides an answer to a question and doesn’t receive a thank you, there is a feeling that the beneficiary was ungrateful... whether true or not, that’s the result. When someone asks a question and is berated, ignored, or made fun of... stupid question or not, the person is insulted. When a person takes the time to provide an answer to a question, and someone else makes light of (or even criticizes) the answer... bad answer or not, the person is humiliated.

    There have been comments about “thin skinned” persons, and I will agree that there may be some over-reacting to the “banter” that has taken place. But, if you dish it out and then receive a dose of it in return... a continuation of the “banter” soon becomes an argument or simple rudeness. Humor intended or not, too much of this makes everyone uneasy.

    So, where am I going with all of this rambling? All who have participated on this forum lately are involved in the current situation. Each of us can decide to stop visiting this forum if we are unhappy with it, or can decide to participate in helping assure that “acceptable” behavior is maintained on the site.

    For those of you that continue to use vulgar language in this public forum, I (for one) will remind you of my feelings when I read it in a post. I suggest you get a dictionary and learn to find the words that accurately convey what it is that you are trying to say.

    Folks who don’t express some sort of thanks for the help you get from others on this forum are rude at best. Either find some way to be considerate, or don’t expect much help the next time you need a question answered.

    Those of you with strong “opinions” about particular styles of cars, manufacturers, steel / fiberglass, etc. need to realize that they are exactly that... OPINIONS. Other’s opinions are just as valid as yours, so keep the harsh criticisms to yourself.

    If you’re offended by something posted, state your objection without accusing the poster of malice... and then get over it. If offensive posts continue, report it to a forum moderator.

    Streets, you appear to be in the center of this “controversy”. I respect your knowledge and appreciate the fact that you are sharing it. I also enjoy and “get” most of your humor and sarcasm, but in my opinion a little bit of it goes a long way. I understand that you get as much out of something as you put into it. Based upon that premise, I don’t understand what you expect to get in return when you berate some of the individuals who post on subjects that you don’t care about. In spite of the turmoil that appears to be associated with your behavior, I don’t think you set out to create this situation and I don’t totally agree with some of the reactions.

    In my opinion, each person that wants to be involved in this forum has an obligation to maintain a respectable and considerate attitude toward others that visit the site.

    Dan J

  6. #21
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    Well I was going to stay clear from all this , but I seen it comming.
    People come here to get or give information, not to be rediculed or badgered constantly!

    I have no problem with a little ribbing ,( as I have been teased by my 4x4 drive shaft & seen it comming ) but a constant QUOTE: badgering gets on my nerves.

    I see streets that you deleted your post here that was intended for floorhoar, It said that if you click on the Classifieds it came up : Sorry, this Module isn't active!
    I guess having threads : Hot Rods for Sale (free) &
    Parts for Sale (free for personal & not business) isnt to your liking
    By all means tell us where members are suppose to post their info?
    I have no problem with a new member joining & just posting a for sale AD that his perogative, even if he doesnt want to introduce him/her self, even though it may seem rude.

    I have been a member at alot of hot rod forums & see this all the time & seen that this place was a CUT above the rest of them , as CHR MEMBERS RESPECTED everyone here. But here lately I have seen the respect kind of go out the window.

    The way you went about it ,it was just like your avatar both fingers BLAZING.

    Brent & the others have done a fantactic job here & I hate to see it go the way of other rod forums.I may not post much a I usually only post in my field of experience, but the guessing car threads have been fun.
    Well thats it for me , & I hope everyone takes a look in the mirror(me included) & tries to make a solid effort to keep this place the best rod site around!!!


  7. #22
    screamer63_1979's Avatar
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    Treekiller (and others)


    you can stay if you flame MY wheelbarrow!

    Actually, i was thikingof doing my tractor...i gotta get practice somehere!

    As to comments, remarks, etc. that is some people's personality, and in person they can be avoided completely which is more difficult to do here (especially if they are responding to your post). In person one's comments come with body language, tone of voice, etc that aid us in interpreting their menaing. Here words is all ya got.

    I have seen some posts from newbies that, well, i'd like to ignore or reply rather,umm, in a non-PC way. However, being new to us or even teh hobby, means they have to learn about the car bit, and our forum bit, how to aska question, providing enough info, etc.

    I know alot, but not about everything! When i enter a form to ge a question answered i don't always lurk for months first, or ask in a way that gets a response. I may seem like a ,taker' there, more than a give, but we all started by taking, and then later we can contribute back.

    Only the dead fish go with the flow.

  8. #23
    JeffMcMaster's Avatar
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    I have refrained from responding until now. I am not happy with your whinning and bashing of Streets. Please visit my little web page and know that either one of my deceased partners were as outspoken as Streets is . He and I have had more than one disagreement, but I still enjoy his tell it like he sees it responses. Yes, he is a die hard lover of the orange motor, and we can all obtain a lot of very good info from him. Dano, I hope that you change your mind, but if not, good luck. Streets, keep your good work up, you are a very knowledgeable geezer and the folks who are whinning should back off and listen to the gruff old geezers who started this thing many years ago and did not go away to some yuppie type of occupation, then return when they got our age. For the rest of you, calm down and listen to the geezers, you just might learn something.
    G&M Speed and Engineering, Monmouth IL - now my hobby-

  9. #24
    Weeg's Avatar
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    I think this thread has gone way off course and should really be ended. I don't understand the reasoning for any member leaving because of hurt feelings. Hell, my wife hurts my feelings all the time and I'm still here.


  10. #25
    Brent Mills's Avatar
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    First and foremost, I hate the idea of people leaving this group. On the flip side, there is no way to please everyone all the time, and this won't be the first time someone decides to move on....Having said that, I hope they reconsider.

    Secondly, this is a place of respect. We all need to show each other the level of respect we would show if we were talking in person. If there's a problem, there's no need to display in front of the group....Work it out on the phone, email, or should you both choose, the alley...

    Third, I don't think Streets or anyone else is trying to cause problems, as much as provide a little entertainment. Having said that, I think we all need to consider our message before we post, as things are easily taken out of context, and can plainly come accross as arrogant and thoughtless. There's a lot of important information being shared here, and generally, if your contribution doesn't fit with that conversation, hold off. There's also a lot of threads which are for fun, and again, it just requires a little common sense to know whether what you're saying is acceptable or not. Respect...respect...respect.

    Lets all keep these things in mind and keep this a place where the masses can enjoy. Thanks for everyone's consideration on this, and thanks to all the long time members Bob mentions who have continued to make this a great place. For the relative newbies, we're growing quickly, and we'll sort out the issues as the arise. Hang in there, and just enjoy each other and the growth of our knoweledgebase.
    Brent Mills
    Club Hot Rod

  11. #26
    Toaster's Avatar
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    No matter.. it's the thought that counts!
    Life is too short... Just do it!

  12. #27
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Respect is a good thing, but good natured kidding should not be misconstrued as disrespect. Without some of the kidding and bs, this would be come nothing more than a mutual admiration society. I've got to back Streets on this whole deal, but agree with others that the whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. Anytime anyone leaves, a bit of all of us goes with him. For all of the insight, experience, and good advice Streets offers, I think the ribbing is just a very small part of it. And I'm sure the kind of man Streets is, a private message or E-Mail stating one's objections would bring a swift and sincere apology. When I have a problem with someone, I bring it up to them and them alone, not gripe about it to everyone else who will listen. This place is way to good to be turned into a he said, she said whine-a-thon. My 2 cents worth
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
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  13. #28
    Brent Mills's Avatar
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    Dave, I agree with you. All I am saying is that if a joking comment fits, great, but if it doesn't, save it for something else. As an example, I remember a person posting a message to sell his car.... Next thing you know, there's some smart ass comment in there about the car which may or may not have hindered the sale, but I know it didn't help. Be smart about being a smart ass, that's all.

    The other thing is that in the real world (face to face) if you know someone well, the range of acceptable BS is broad, but if you're just an aquaintance, well, that range is considerably smaller.
    Brent Mills
    Club Hot Rod

  14. #29
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Streets buddy, you have no idea how I'm suffering right now to not drop a line on you!!!
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

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