Thread: I'm Outta Here....
09-18-2003 10:51 PM #1
I'm Outta Here....
Well just wanted to say some goodbyes to a few of you. And just wanted to thank some for the help they've provided and a few of the good times I/we've had. (though short it was) I have unfinished business with screamer63_1979 as he's helping me with my dual quad tunnelram setup and I'll continue with that as soon as I can get him the info he needs. To the rest of you, best of luck.
If you express any interest as to my decision then read on:
I'm not gonna sit here and be insulted by a certain member and have my knowlege constantly questioned (I can't help but feel it's partially because of my age) then sit and "grin and bear it." I don't have time for that crap. I came here to shoot the bull, share some info and have a good time. As long as a particuler individual is still here, I'll elect not to be. I can oly hope that this guy doesn't have a reoccuring effect to the other "newbies" to CHR. Never in my life and all the forums I have been on or a part of have I been so disgusted.
I have my family, friends and things better enjoyed than to be cornered by some high and mighty clown hidden behind a computer screen with nothing better to do.
Sorry it had to be like this... I just don't have the time some have to piss away pestering about stupid crap. - DanDan Ouellette
'25 T C-Cab
'47 Ford Coupe
'53 Ford Crestline
'53 Ford Mainline
-And 8 more Fords and 2 Mopars
- Google Adsense
09-19-2003 07:26 AM #2
I'm sorry you're leaving us Dano. Your input usually makes more sense than the person who is getting on your nerves. I too could live without all the insults that are directed at anyone who dares to post anything here. I don't have the time to read all that crap looking for something of interest. I've noticed most of the regulars have a lot less to say now too. If you find a good forum let me know and I'll join you.
AL" Im gone'
09-19-2003 09:44 AM #3
Hate to hear it...
I would hate to see either of you guys leave... Sounds like it might be too late for Dano, (probably won't see this)... Dan If you are reading this, I would tell you that I am a bit suprised, as It seems to me that the Geezer(s) have taking a liking to you!!! Believe it or not, the hazing was all in fun... I think it unfortunate that you have taken it the wrong way...
These types of forums on the net can be a challenge somtimes since much is left to the interpretation of the reader of these posts... I might take the way something is posted much differently than you do and it is difficult at best to always know the tone of the comment, especially if you are a new guy and have come to know the personality of the poster...
I know you did'nt ask for any advice from me, but I will give it anyway and maybe it might help others who may happen across this post... When you first appeared here at CHR, it seemed to me that you were thowing out your chest like a rooster and crowing about your knowledge... You may not have ment it that way, but that was my impression and it seems others may have had the same impression... The Geezers challenged you a little bit and now you have taken offence... I don't believe that they were trying to put you down, but simply stepping up to the challenge that you laid down when you arrived at CHR... The truth is that you might have learned a few things if you would have stuck around here for a little while... It is unfortunate for all of us that you have decided to leave...
Al I think you add alot of insight to this forum... I respect your budget building approach and think you have been one of the guys who give very valid advice when it comes to techniques on finding salvage yard treasures...
I would hate to see you leave, if you choose to do so you will be missed...
Respectfully submitted...
Dave Brisco
09-19-2003 12:18 PM #4
I would hate to see either of you leave the forum. You are not the only ones effected by your own presence here. You have lots to offer and it is good for the comunity. Remember the idea is that it is not about you but all as a whole and how your actions can help and effect the rest.
Good sense makes a man slow to anger,
and it is his glory to overlook an offense.
If one ventures a word with you, will you be offended?
Yet who can keep from speaking?Justin RFFR
Isaiah 40:31
09-19-2003 01:34 PM #5
I'M JUST THE NEW GUY, but..............
I don't care if you drive a ford( or chevy!) lawn-mower with a blower. if you like to talk about it I'll talk to you about it. I am almost positive that you guys have information from your life that I don't or maybe see things from a diffrent angle. I don't want to stop someone from doing something they have set their mind on , but A little ( or a lot ! ) rip-pokin' is nothing to take to heart. I'd sure like to learn something from everybody especially if you have ( a budget building approach ) . Cause I'm poor and I like to build and drive old cars ,trucks ,mowers ,tractors, bikes, trikes, what ever you get your jollys from ..........."I wonder if any body has ever flamed a wheel-barrel .HumMmmmm??? ,it has a wheel ?" AnYwAys . Don't be scared to post what you have to say, that goes for all the guys just reading this and never posting. If I'm wrong please tell me and I will just leave.............RIGHT...NOW! with my panties in a knot.
09-19-2003 02:03 PM #6
Very best of luck Dano. I too am sad to see you go, you were a valued CHR member. I think i speak for everyone when i say that there will always be a place for you here should you change your mind.
09-19-2003 02:25 PM #7
Go have fun. I too do not like some of the comments made on this forum which are degrading & feel we should be more considerate of members.
I feel anyone should be able to ask a question with out fear of being poked at.
I have done a lot of work to help get this forum going & do not like to see anything that can make people uncomfortable. There are some comments make here that need to be more tactfull. I feel that if you can not answer a a question w/o degrading the person you prabably should ignore the post & answer one you feel more comfortable with.
Please lets all try to be respectful of our fellow members.....DonLast edited by Don Meyer; 09-19-2003 at 06:49 PM.
Don Meyer, PhD-Mech Engr(48 GMC Trk/chopped/cab extended/caddy fins & a GM converted Rolls Royce Silver Shadow).
09-19-2003 02:37 PM #8
this means I can stay?......Right ?? ... Don? ? ?
09-19-2003 02:39 PM #9
I'm not going anywhere. I'm not that easily offended. It's just that there's so much useless information on here now that I can't keep up with it. The sense of a community is fading and our self-appointed mayor is burying us with piles of gibberish.
So Streets, I have nothing against having a little fun with the newbies but your Don Rickles sense of humor is scaring them away. They don't know how sweet you really are. And while I'm bitching Do you have to have the last word on every topic?
AL" Im gone'
09-19-2003 03:04 PM #10
I'm an Ultra Newbie here, and Streets was the 1st to help me out, in a big way.. anyway, I think we all have a lot to share, and if this were a bar, I buy you all a round...
I've seent to much already to be scared off......
ToasterLife is too short... Just do it!
09-19-2003 03:10 PM #11
Re: I'M JUST THE NEW GUY, but..............
[QUOTE]Originally posted by treekiller
[B]I wonder if any body has ever flamed a wheel-barrel .HumMmmmm???
You got me thinking... What a great way to check out that new spray equipment!!! I know I've got one in the shed.... Flame on!
09-19-2003 03:28 PM #12
Good quote Justin!!!
Streets no reason to run off...
Why is it that people are so thin skinned around here?...
Why is does it seem that only person with some balls around here is a 16 year old girl infactuated with weed and Jesse James...
Are you guys grown men or a bunch of wimps?...
Streets was giving me a hard time... wa wa wa... Nobody agrees with my point of view... wa wa wa... I'm gonna delete my posts... wa wa wa... You got your chocolate in my peanut butter... wa wa wa...
I think you all need to take a"time out" then come back and "Kiss and Make-up"...
Dave Brisco
09-19-2003 03:35 PM #13
Well, all I have to say is that it is really a shame to see anyone leave CHR. My opinion on posting conduct wouldn't help at all as no one listens to me anyway. LOL
The people who leave because of whatever reasons just may be the person I need to answer a problem that I run into on my project. I would hate to loose the benefit of their experience since I don't know anything about building a car from the ground up, but that isn't going to stop me.
09-19-2003 05:29 PM #14
Right on!
" justin if you get rich don't forget old TREE".I don't want to be seen sticking up for STREETS to much ( I'm pretty sure he can take care of him self ) but, he was the first one to reply to my question , before I even said "HI" to anybody. now I'am sure he would have made me jump thru a few hoops , to get what i was needing (he still might ?) but , What I've seen so far everybodies here is pretty cool . And I've read almost all the posts.........OH, Ya ...!.justin " make sure it has alot of gloss, a little chrome, and all the bolts are real tight," then we'll show it off around here.
09-19-2003 05:39 PM #15
Hey Tree I think you meant fer that to be directed to Toaster not Justin.Justin RFFR
Isaiah 40:31
Stole from FB...
the Official CHR joke page duel