One of my goals for 2006 is to develop my welding skills and eventually purchase a Mig Welder. I have checked the local community college and they do have classes, but unfortunately they are during the day when I am at work. I am fortunate to have some friends who are excellent welders, one is even a retired shop teacher, so I have them to learn from. Since we did our family Christmas yesterday, I have had some time today to surf around looking for books and other learning tools to get some book smarts before I move to the practical side. I'd like to share some that I found. Hope this helps other folks too and if you know of any others please post them up.

Excellent article with a number of resources listed at the end:

That article was taken from this site, appears to be a great source for metal working:

And here is some online tutorials from Millerwelds ETraining

Should give us all something to work on during the winter

Merry Christmas and Happy 2006 all
