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Thread: Body cutting.

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  1. #10
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    When you weld it back togather use the 2" rule(a spot weld every two inches) to advoid as much warping as possible, repeat until all welded up - then dolly & grind- check for holes- weld those & grind.
    I use 1" of hardner to the baseball size dollop of filler for the skim work. Start at least 6" before your work area, and with the med. spreader pull your filler across the repaired spot to 6" past. Allowing your hand to "float" over the repaired area low spots only to maintain the outer body lines. You will only have about 3 min.'s to work this mix so only mix and work what you can pull within that time. The filler will start to set-up by first turning into little knots within itself- kinda like cottage cheese look- if it does then stop trying to dress it, it's done for spreading.
    Don't rush this..it's easier to spread more after you sand this then to try & sand off a big mess.
    Repeat as needed- sanding between coats...it's that simple.
    Last edited by hambiskit; 01-22-2006 at 05:06 AM.

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