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Thread: blower scoops through hood rain problems

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  1. #1
    loren_34's Avatar
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    blower scoops through hood rain problems


    I have seen several cars with the blower scoop through the hood of the car and was wondering about the affects of rain. my thinking is wouldnt you have problems with it drowning out when it rains, say you got caught in a storm. also for instance the 68 cuda has the large scoop right in front of the breather. how do you not have problems with it drowning out. the reference to the cuda is because a local garage has one for sale and have looked at it.

    Don't let any grass grow under your wheels. Thoughts are just my opinion. Just a backwoods country boy. Ass, Gas, or Cash nobody rides for free

  2. #2
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Re: blower scoops through hood rain problems


    Originally posted by loren_34
    I have seen several cars with the blower scoop through the hood of the car and was wondering about the affects of rain. my thinking is wouldnt you have problems with it drowning out when it rains, say you got caught in a storm. also for instance the 68 cuda has the large scoop right in front of the breather. how do you not have problems with it drowning out. the reference to the cuda is because a local garage has one for sale and have looked at it.

    I had a water prof. cover that I had made for a few of mine, that I would put over the carb. when I stopped. I drove mine every where I went, rain or snow. going down the road I guess the air kept the rain from getting under the hood.
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  3. #3
    loren_34's Avatar
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    Mike, sorry I didnt get it clear what i was talking about is having only the bird catcher through the hood like on the image attched if it had a hood. there are several of them around lubbock. not this high just with the scoop out of the hood. so would you put one of the black scoop housings around it and then cap that and let it pull the air from under the hood? to keep it from getting rain in it? Thanks
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    Don't let any grass grow under your wheels. Thoughts are just my opinion. Just a backwoods country boy. Ass, Gas, or Cash nobody rides for free

  4. #4
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    they wouldn't let me run the scoop in VA. so I had to ware the hat. if I got caught in the rain, so be it. I really don't know why, but as long as you were moving then the water wasn't a problem I don't know if I would run it with that cover or not, it might suck it into the motor, I guess the filters would stop it. nice looking set-up.
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    Last edited by lt1s10; 01-29-2006 at 11:47 AM.
    check my home page out!!!

  5. #5
    DynoDon is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I guess I'm a wuss I wouldn't consider taking the 55 out unless the the sky was clear & the roads dry.
    Besides having no wish to play demolition derby (fat tires & wet pavement), I wouldn't want to spend all day cleaning everything.

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