06-28-2006 07:35 AM #1
i watch the show overhaulin alot and other shows like that, and i always noticed that when the car goes to paint the body is on the frame and it is usually right after all the body work is done, so what do they do with the bottom of the body, cause it seems like they don't paint it or even primer it or nothin, so what do they do to keep it from rusting out within weeks
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06-28-2006 08:30 AM #2
They paint the body on the frame to ensure that everything is aligned, and that the passes the painter makes with the gun go across all body parts the same number of times and in the same direction. This is particularly important with candies, metallics and pearls.
Whether it shows on TV or not, most shops will have the bottom painted or undercoated by then. If they don't, they will pull the body back off.
Or - they might just have stock footage showing the car rolling into the paint shop and show it out of sequence. Happens all the time.Jack
Gone to Texas
06-28-2006 09:09 AM #3
oh ok then
06-28-2006 10:26 AM #4
Rusting won't happen at an accelerated rate unless they sandblasted the bottom of the car. All of the cars you see on the road don't have the bottom painted, every time the top is. Most will only be painted at the factory, and never again.
Being these cars are taken apart, they probably budget an hour to shoot the bottom with an undercoater or something similar.
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