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Thread: bad battery?

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  1. #1
    burrbrian's Avatar
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    Angry bad battery?


    My old truck is giving me fits about even starting now. First thing in the mornong I have to hook up the jumper cables to another truck and then hit the key and starts right up. Don't even have to start other truck, just hook up cables. Then it will start a few times but then all I get is the selonoid clicking. Lights are good and bright but it won't turn over. Put new starter on and the same thing. Hooked my charger up to battery and it reads a full charge. Any ideas why it seems to take the extra juice to kick it over? Or could the battery just be holding enough to run lights and such but not turn over the motor? Battery is 6-7 years old, maybe a little more.

  2. #2
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burrbrian
    My old truck is giving me fits about even starting now. First thing in the mornong I have to hook up the jumper cables to another truck and then hit the key and starts right up. Don't even have to start other truck, just hook up cables. Then it will start a few times but then all I get is the selonoid clicking. Lights are good and bright but it won't turn over. Put new starter on and the same thing. Hooked my charger up to battery and it reads a full charge. Any ideas why it seems to take the extra juice to kick it over? Or could the battery just be holding enough to run lights and such but not turn over the motor? Battery is 6-7 years old, maybe a little more.
    sounds like a bad cell in the bat. 6-7 yrs old says a lot.
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  3. #3
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    What Mike said. It's time for a new battery.
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  4. #4
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    6 - 7 years, Man, you've been goin' to Church every Sunday, haven't you?

    Here in Florida 2-3 is about normal. I guess they last longer where it is cooler.

    Yep, the guys are right........time to get the energizer bunny.


  5. #5
    Smokin65's Avatar
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    Sounds like the battery to me also... You could check the hot and ground cables too. I had a ground cable go bad and it acted the same way.
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  6. #6
    burrbrian's Avatar
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    thanks, guys. Sorry for the long delay, but I have been running crazy- in and out of town and keeping some real screwy hours. Hey. toldyouso- what do you call cooler? right now it's 100+ with heat index of 105-110!! But we do have winter, though. As NTFDAY can testify to it is HOT here! And the humidity is making itself known, too. But really, guess I have gotten pretty lucky with this batt. as it wasn't anything special. Do appreciate all the advice and input. BTW, a new batt. did the trick- hope I can get the life out of this one like the last. Old batt. checked at 10 volt max so it was time.

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