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Thread: I already tried cussing. It didn't work

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  1. #1
    Big Tracks's Avatar
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    I already tried cussing. It didn't work


    When I towed my '70 F100 home several months ago I parked it outdoors. Work done on it so far has been accomplished outside. Last week I decided it was time to move it onto a concrete floor to try to put the Cadillac engine in it. I hooked my S10 onto it to pull it out of its resting place and the S10 could barely move it. I got out to look and saw that the right rear wheel was locked up and dragging.

    Somebody, and I ain't saying who, had parked it with the emergency brake set. The drum and the brake mechanism have welded themselves together. I mean, really STUCK.

    What do I do now, Coach? Would heat help? I would have tried that already but my acetylene bottle is empty and I'm kind of bucks-down right now. Is there a trick of the trade that might free it up before I break something?

    Probably not many people are as dumb as I am, but does anybody know someone who has created this problem for himself?

    Advice (free advice, that is) would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    cffisher's Avatar
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    You may try pushing it backwards that somtimes will release Chevys when SOMEONE uses the E brake.
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  3. #3
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cffisher
    You may try pushing it backwards ........
    Or rocking it back and forth.
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  4. #4
    robot's Avatar
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    Had one about 1981 where a person (not me) in a Bronco froze the shoes to the drum by leaving the ebrake on too long....he put it in low, reved the engine and popped the clutch. It was kinda cool....first time that I ever saw the shoes rotate with the drum. Kinda messy though since the wheel cylinder broke off and tore the brake line.

    Try backing off on the adjuster and then rocking the vehicle....dont use too much force....push/pull by hand.

  5. #5
    61bone's Avatar
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    Back off the adjusters and whack the drum a couple times with a big deadblow hammer
    theres no foo like an old foo

  6. #6
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    Have someone, or use something to hold the brake release lever out. Get yourself like PB Blaster, and add to the cables where they go into the housing. While the brake release lever is being help in the off position, wiggle the cable housing to work the lub in, and free up the cable. You may also tap on the drums if you think the shoes are froze.
    if its the cables this is the way to go. if its the shoes working with the drum should do it.
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  7. #7
    Big Tracks's Avatar
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    Thanks, Gentlemen,

    I did try jogging it back and forth some, but the truck is sitting on some soft ground and the tires can't get enough bite to make the wheels turn. I'll jack it up put something under the wheels and try again.

    And Robot - the old 360 that is in the truck hasn't run in many years, otherwise it might have occurred to me to try what your guy did! I hope I'm smart enough that I wouldn't have tried it, but I wouldn't bet on it. It may be a good thing it won't run!

    I did run the adjuster back but because of the soft dirt it didn't help. I'll try again. I'll also go get some PB Blaster and go after the cables.

    If this string of 105+ degree days ever ends (we had 109 degrees twice) I'll get back on it.

    Thanks again. I appreciate the quick responses.


  8. #8
    halftanked is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Pull the wheel and beat the drum. Not a lot of options without heat. Hank

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