Thread: Thermactor system
08-23-2007 11:33 AM #1
Thermactor system
I have a 86 mustang 5.0 HO car.
I am getting ,right side thermactor system inoperable,I have traced it to the tab /tad...thermactor air bypass ,thermactor air diverter solenoids.
Ford sayes if they click ,there fine when power is applied,I have read other places that they need a resistance test and need to be between 58 and 108 ohms resistance to be good .
Anyone have any exsperiance with this ?
I applied vaccume to where the solenoid is suppose to supply vac and the thermactor system works,its almost positivily the tab/tad solenoids.
Anyone have a good source for these or any advice on this problem or further tests that could be run?Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)
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08-23-2007 12:20 PM #2
Thnx ,Denny
That was what I was thinking ,but just wanted to make shure I was not overlooking anything.
Like boy wonder used to say...........Holy avatar Denny I am scared to not follow your advice with that thing as a avatar He might get me.......Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)
Nice, how did you get the curve in there?
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