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Thread: Expensive Metal Work!!

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  1. #1
    67CamaroProject's Avatar
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    Unhappy Expensive Metal Work!!


    I just got new quarter skins, outer wheel well patches, and new rocker arms to be installed on my '67 camaro. I spoke to two seperate people and both of them quoted me around $4k to cut out the old and weld in the new patches. This is the first car I'm restoring and it's becoming a headache with a new baby in the house. Does that price seem steep to you guys or should I keep shopping around? I don't want to tackle the project myself in fear of making it look horrible. I'm just concerned cause I bought the car for 10 and have put 6k into the motor and front end. I still need probably 5k in wheels and tires, and all the other accessories inside the car plus paint and body work after this metal work. It feels like i'm gonna have 50k into the car when I could have bought a pretty clean one for about 30. Let me know what you guys think about the metal work and what you feel would be a fair price for it.

    -Stessing out in Ca-

  2. #2
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    In California, that sounds about right. Here in PA, I would have quoted you around $2,900 for the same work, not including rocker arms as that is a mechanical issue not a structural one (unless of course your terminology is off and you meant "ROCKERS").........

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  3. #3
    67CamaroProject's Avatar
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    I meant to type rocker panels, under the doors. The bummers is the qoutes are for side work from two guys I know(but not good friends). I told them that I'm not in a rush and they would be able to do the work when they are available and have down time.
    Last edited by 67CamaroProject; 02-06-2008 at 04:39 PM.

  4. #4
    bigdude's Avatar
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    Welcome to our world!

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    That price probably is pretty much in line. You bring up a very important point....sometimes it's better to buy a very clean car initially rather than spend the money later on repairing a rusty one. You know "you can pay me now or you can pay me later."

    I think the only way buying a real challenge makes any sense is if you are able to do all or the majority of the work yourself, because once you start farming it out.......


  6. #6
    67CamaroProject's Avatar
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    I'm starting to think I should have done the engine last!

  7. #7
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    The bummers is the qoutes are for side work from two guys I know(but not good friends). I told them that I'm not in a rush and they would be able to do the work when they are available and have down time.

    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, this is the most dangerous statement you can ever make to anyone doing work on your car. Been there, done that. It almost always gets interpreted as " I don't care if I don't get it back for a very long time." They usually start out like gangbusters then push it aside and never seem to get back on it again. When you finally start leaning on them, they always say "but you said you were in no hurry??"

    Everytime I utter that statement to someone now I always regret it.


  8. #8
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Seems a bit high, but for your area it's probably about in line.... As for doing the engine last, that's the way I choose to do all of mine. Never have figured out why everyone things the engine should be done and installed first then gather dust, sparks, overspray and all the other crud flying around as the rest of the build progresses.....
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  9. #9
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Personally I don't think that price is awful........................if the work is done really well. And what Pops just said it VERY apropos.

    Here's the reality lost on a lot of folks. You mess up on the wheels/tires? Easy change and you can sell the take offs, you lose some dough, but not the whole enchilada. You mess up on the engine specs? Not too big a problem to change out a few parts most of the time, or, sell the complete engine to someone that it fits better and put in what you should have.

    Mess up on body work? BIG problem, because it's there to see forever..........or until you throw everything way (parts, labor, time)with no way to recoup your loses, and if it's done by some hacks they can cause more damage than you had to start with! You can't shop on price alone for this stuff. You need to know ABSOLUTELY that whoever you hire will do the work the way you want it (I would hope correctly) and in a time frame that you can live with, THEN work on price. Old phrase; "The bitter taste of poor quality lasts much longer than the sweet taste of a low price". Have I beat that horse enough?
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  10. #10
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter
    Old phrase; "The bitter taste of poor quality lasts much longer than the sweet taste of a low price". Have I beat that horse enough?
    That one will never go out of style.
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  11. #11
    iceburgh's Avatar
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    I think for the most part you can always find a car cheaper than you can build. The problem becomes is it what you really want?
    Not being able to do your own work will cost you a fortune. We just did a '41 Chevy truck for a guy and he ended up having $46k in it an dthe truck is only worth about $30k

  12. #12
    67CamaroProject's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the thoughts.... I guess I'll just have to pony up the dough, but I'll make sure it's not done as a side work job. I understand that the metal work is important, and I would rather pay for quality then to be upset with the way it turns out and always seeing blemishes that I know are there. Appreciate the advice, it got me back on track!

  13. #13
    chevythunder's Avatar
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    Sounds about right even to myself being this far north (canada).A good friend was qouted almost the same for a 68 fire bird in my home town by a shop with 40 years exp in the field of body work who is working at this time on a 57 chrysler for my big bro..welcome to the world of sweet cars and headaches they cost. good luck though.

  14. #14
    '32 skidoo is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    It almost always gets interpreted as " I don't care if I don't get it back for a very long time." They usually start out like gangbusters then push it aside and never seem to get back on it again

    Been there, done that. A "friend" quoted me a price on chopping a top. A decent price. He was just beginning to build. I agreed, BUT he kept getting other jobs where he could make more money..."no problem, go ahead". He did the job about halfway through and quit. After 7 years he decides to get serious and start and 'oh!, by the way, I don't work for that'. I paid him what he wanted and took it to the house.
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  15. #15
    phipp51 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Does'nt sound good to me. buisness is buisness.. i'd shop around and get references ie pics of past jobs and talk to past customers.. everyone i do sheetmetal work for i give reffs and ask my customers if they would mind if i gave their # to potential customers.imho
    Last edited by phipp51; 02-07-2008 at 02:34 PM.

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