Thread: SBC Tri Power
03-13-2011 05:43 PM #1
SBC Tri Power
Hello , I picked up a Offenhauser, with 3- Rochesters for my small block. I never saw this operating,but the guy told me it worked fine.
I looked online at the Speedway Mtrs. site, noticed their end carbs don't have idle needles. ,mine do and was wondering if you folks think it will work ok. It has progressive linkage on it now and i'm planning to leave it on.
I didn't notice that my big old HEI wouldn't fit,until today, then a neighbor came by and he is clearing out his garage of smallblock stuff, (fool went to AMC!),anyhow he gave me an Acell dual point distrib and told me he has a Smokey Crossram for a single Holley that I can have also, (my lucky day)
Thanks for any help,Brian
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03-13-2011 06:06 PM #2
All depends.
Most guys convert the end (secondary) carbs over to the improved thick throttle plates and block off the idle circuits. The thick plates allow the plates to fully seat without any idle air flow and still not stick closed at idle.
But, a few guys run the stock idle circuits to make up for the "leaness" of the small air leak at idle if using the stock throttle plates in the end carbs.
03-14-2011 04:56 PM #3
Ah, great that's a big help! So I'll try it and go from there,before i spring the bucks for the plates,Thanks,Brian
03-28-2011 11:25 AM #4
I just went through this with my Rochesters and the thing you need to do is take the bases off and check the throttle plate seal with a light. Chances are they wont be any good. I ordered new secondary bases from Vintage Speed in Florida and it solved all my running problems, rough idle, irratic vacuum reading etc. I dont know anything about the Speedway bases but the people at Vintage Speed are super to talk to and the stuff he makes is beautiful precision parts. Google Vintage Speed and save yourself alot of trouble. His kit gives you two end bases, progressive linkage, new primary shaft and throttle blades, and jets for all three carbs and all the gaskets. His end bases are machined in his shop and are made with no idle circuits or idle screws.Tomorrow is promised to no one.
03-28-2011 12:14 PM #5
I think Speedway is selling the ones made by Vintage Speed. Not 100% sure though.
I had the Vintage Speed setup on my 23 ( 2 x 2 carb setup) and the front carb was done with the bottom plate with no idle screws. It worked well, so I plan on doing the same thing to the 3 x 2 setup I am going to run on my Olds engine in my rpu.
03-28-2011 07:10 PM #6
Hey folks, I hadn't been working on this for a few weeks, (renovating 2 houses,plus busy at work),but after reading these two lastest replies,figured I better get moving!
I popped the distributor in tonight,checked tdc as best as i could, arms aren't long enough to hit the starter button and stick my finger in the plug hole,but hit it right the first time.......lucky for sure. Anyway it started right up and actually idled ok,but no water in the rad, so I only let it run it about 30 seconds. One thing I did notice is smoke coming off the new ballast resister,not sure if has too much voltage or if there was a coating on it. So I'll be sure to check the rich/lean condition in the next few days,snow is gone and I'm getting itchy it get it back out!!!
04-03-2011 02:20 PM #7
I just now read a great post/article from a few years back,by MikeP on this, thanks,Brian
Wow, that is sweet! The woodwork is gorgeous.
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