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Thread: Mustang II calipers and hoses

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  1. #1
    whistler's Avatar
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    Mustang II calipers and hoses


    I ordered longer front brake hoses from Heidts after installing 2" drop spindles on my 37. I had to order the kit to go from standard hoses to braided hoses. The fittings that are supposed to go into the calipers are to small, are there different size brake hoses for Mustang II calipers??

  2. #2
    pepi's Avatar
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    Yes, there are you will need to know the AN size and get a reducer to fit the caliper, below is a link that shows different sizes and angles. If unsure give speedway a call they are very helpful.

    Street Rod Brake Lines, Tubes, Fittings, Flare Tool - Speedway Motors, America's Oldest Speed Shop

    The below link shows a brake line that you may have notice it can be AN3 or AN4.

    Stainless 19 Inch Brake Line with 90 Degree End - Speedway Motors, America's Oldest Speed Shop
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  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    I believe that the "standard" inlet fitting on the MustangII/Pinto caliper is a banjo fitting - a 7/16" x 24 hollow ported bolt, crush washer and banjo fitting make up the connection to a machined flat port on the caliper. Speedway (and others) also sell conversion fittings, which is the banjo end with an AN3 or AN4 male fitting instead of a crimp type hose connection. Ford Mustang II-Pinto Caliper - Speedway Motors, America's Oldest Speed Shop ; 7/16 Inch to AN3 Banjo Fitting - Speedway Motors, America's Oldest Speed Shop Personally, I've found it easier to go to a quality hydraulics house, like Tompkins Industries if you're lucky enough to have one near you, and have the hoses made up to match your existing ends built to the length you want/need. If not, my second choice would be a good NAPA store, where they still seem to know how to look at books instead of only understanding OEM reference numbers.
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  4. #4
    whistler's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info. I think with this I can figure it out.
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