Thread: Fiber glass vs. steel body.
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01-24-2015 07:37 PM #1
Fiber glass vs. steel body.
Hey guys, I've got a really big issue that i need help with. I am currently in the planning stage of my build, and I started to run into a head ache of worry. I am looking to build a 32 ford sedan delivery to take the place of my '03 toyota, (and i know its better to buy already built or a project someone got tired of.) but I feel like I won't love the car like I would if I built it from the ground up.
Anyway to my question/worry, I've been looking around the web for different bodies. One company I was looking at (acauto) makes a '32 sedan body for about 6 grand, and I like the look of the bodies they make. But like I said, I would like to have this car as a everyday driver, and i am worried about someone hitting me from behind, and their car landing in my back seat (where my daughter would be sitting) because of the body is not strong enough to take to impact. So should I try and hunt down a steel body, or am i just being a over paranoid father?
P.s. if this question was already asked in a different post I am sorry for the repost.
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