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Thread: '30 Ford Brake/Clutch Pedal?

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  1. #1
    6696 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    '30 Ford Brake/Clutch Pedal?



    Newbie here to the forums. I am building a '30 ford coupe with my Dad and for the life of me, cannot find a brake/clutch pedal assembly that I can purchase without a master cylinder. I already have a 7" booster and MC, I'm just looking for the bracket and pedals. I had one ordered from Yogi's but found that the supplier went out of business. I checked with Pete@Jakes but they are all combo's just like TCI, plus they did not offer a power brake unit.

    So, I came here in hopes of finding another solution. I have average fabrication capabilities so If I can get something close I can modify it. Any suggestions?

    Thank you in advance for any help.

  2. #2
    34_40's Avatar
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    I think I might have a set of originals from a 28 / 29 Tudor, if you're interested?

  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    Welcome 6696! Hope you stick around and become an active part of the forum.

    Did you call Pete & Jake's, or just look on-line. If you call talk to Jason. They offer a power boost option on their "kit", but they also sell pieces/parts individually -
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  4. #4
    35WINDOW's Avatar
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    Would this work (might have to modify for Booster)?

    AS-2030BC Brake and Clutch Pedal Kit for 1928-1931 Ford - Chassis Engineering Inc
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  5. #5
    35WINDOW's Avatar
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    Or this?:

    Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?
    -George Carlin

  6. #6
    6696 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey thanks guys! I will definitely look into a couple of these options. The link to the Deuce Frame Company was the one I had on order when I was told that he lost his supplier and had none on hand.

    I have some calls to make, Thank you again,

    32_40 I will definitely keep this in mind, I just don't know how much fabrication I am comfortable with on this specific peice. Just learned to Mig and working on my Tig skills


  7. #7
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6696 View Post
    32_40 I will definitely keep this in mind, I just don't know how much fabrication I am comfortable with on this specific peice. Just learned to Mig and working on my Tig skills 6696
    No worries.

  8. #8
    daveS53 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    The pedal actuation ratio is very important. You can't buy any pedal assembly, put a vacuum booster on it, and expect it to work properly. A lot of folks have posted problems, getting the correct combination of pedal ratio to work the particular master cylinder and brakes that they are using.

    I bought a body/chassis, with a 7" single diaphragm booster, 3.8/1 pedal ratio and 1" master cylinder, but found the braking unimpressive with my high-dollar Wilwood disc brakes. A 7" dual diaphragm was better, but still not as powerful as I wanted.

    I called Wilwood and got a recommendation for a minimum 8" dual diaphragm booster, to use with their brakes and a 1" master cylinder. I went a step further and reduced the master cylinder piston to 7/8" for more pressure. Now I've got brakes that are as easy to work as any new car.

    A typical manual pedal assembly would have a pedal ratio in the 6-7/1 range, to use with a 1" master cylinder. Of course, it requires more pedal travel, than a boosted setup.

    Vacuum boosters may also be troublesome if you've got an engine with a big cam and low vacuum. A hydraulic booster may be the answer.

  9. #9
    6696 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Okay that just made the decision for me. I have a few numbers to check now but I will go with a power set up from the start. Looks like I will have an extra MC....maybe I'll save it for my next project

    Thank you much,


  10. #10
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    6696, that's excellent advice from Dave. I was having similar problems, but with manual brakes. The roller chassis I bought came with a 1" Vette MC designed for a disc/drum combo. Needless to say, braking sucked. I almost needed a drogue chute to stop from 30 mph. I increased my pedal ratio significantly and changed to a 7/8" master cylinder. My '34 weighs about 24-2500 lbs, and the brakes are great - without a power booster..
    Last edited by Henry Rifle; 05-21-2016 at 06:39 PM.

    Gone to Texas

  11. #11
    6696 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey I sure appreciate all the guidance here. I just ordered the TCI power unit with the booster. I'm still hoping to use my current MC, though it does have a 1" bore. I'll see how it goes, may have to replace with a 7/8" down the road. Maybe I'll post some pics after I install. That is of course if I can successfully squeeze it in next to the trans.


  12. #12
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6696 View Post
    Hey I sure appreciate all the guidance here. I just ordered the TCI power unit with the booster. I'm still hoping to use my current MC, though it does have a 1" bore. I'll see how it goes, may have to replace with a 7/8" down the road. Maybe I'll post some pics after I install. That is of course if I can successfully squeeze it in next to the trans.

    One thing you didn't mention was the other end of your brake system. Do you have disc/disc or disc/drum? Do you have a proportioning valve? Either way, which brake assemblies are you using? It matters.

    Gone to Texas

  13. #13
    6696 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Yes I have a proportioning valve. The current setup is Disc/Drum which I will be switching over to Disc/Disc when I rebuild the new Ford 9" I just bought. The guy before me bought everything at Speedway. So the front calipers are from there. I was going to just buy their rear conversion to match as I don't have the funds to switch both front and back to a wilwood setup right now.

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