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Thread: P&J IFS Basic Chassis Help

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  1. #1
    JimBeam's Avatar
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    P&J IFS Basic Chassis Help


    I've been thinking of building a hot rod for years and I think the time is right now. I've been doing my research on a chassis and I've come across the bare chassis with IFS from P&J.

    P&J told me that the IFS cross-member is the one from TCI. TCI said that they sell *most* of the parts but not all of them. What they definitely don't sell is the control arms and spindles because these are "custom" made for their front crossmember.


    Summit has well over 2,000 control arms listed and none of them will fit this chassis? That can't be right can it? Has anyone else out there built up this chassis and pieced together their own front suspension? What do people do when they buy this chassis then?

  2. #2
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Endow us with a bit more info. What kind of hot rod are you wanting to build? '27? '29? '32? '40? With or without fenders? Engine choice? Etc. Lots of helpful people on this site; we just need to know your intentions.
    36 sedan likes this.

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  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    I picked up a partial project that's a '32 P&J Chassis with their IFS. You say that P&J told you the IFS is from TCI, but instead of going to TCI why not deal with Jason at P&J for your needs? They may very well make their own control arms, but regardless in my experience the guys at P&J will bend over backwards to get your problem fixed right, including swapping parts with you occasionally if it's stuff they still sell actively. If it's a P&J Chassis I'd say your path to getting it right is talking to Jason.
    NTFDAY and 36 sedan like this.
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  4. #4
    JimBeam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    I picked up a partial project that's a '32 P&J Chassis with their IFS. You say that P&J told you the IFS is from TCI, but instead of going to TCI why not deal with Jason at P&J for your needs? They may very well make their own control arms, but regardless in my experience the guys at P&J will bend over backwards to get your problem fixed right, including swapping parts with you occasionally if it's stuff they still sell actively. If it's a P&J Chassis I'd say your path to getting it right is talking to Jason.
    It was Jason that sent me to TCI to begin with. But, to be fair, I do have an email out to him to see if they will just sell me the control arms and am waiting for a reply on that.

  5. #5
    JimBeam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J. Robinson View Post
    Endow us with a bit more info. What kind of hot rod are you wanting to build? '27? '29? '32? '40? With or without fenders? Engine choice? Etc. Lots of helpful people on this site; we just need to know your intentions.
    Shame on me for leaving out details.

    I'm looking to build a 32, IFS would be nice but not a must, plan for rear is a coilover four-point with a 3.5, discs all around.

    Engine plans are 302 with a T5. It's all very pedestrian, I realize that. I live in Las Vegas and just looking for something to cruise the strip with. So I'm building a lover, not a fighter

    I've looked at various options, everything from SoCal to Factory 5 and all in between. I've narrowed down to P&J because of the availability through Summit (financing) and I like the tubular cross member with the four point rear.

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