Thread: Serious stuff!!
04-26-2004 08:23 PM #16
Pro70 You got me, yes. ha, ha Yer quick..
Von Skall er..shuckscannot really print whilst laughing and thinking. So many replies in mind to which I am currently editing!
Let me just state that there was no mention of shiny side in or out of the helmet.
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04-26-2004 08:32 PM #17
Originally posted by Walt Zander
Let me just state that there was no mention of shiny side in or out of the helmet."PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
"LIVE" your life like you could die tomorrow.
John 3:16
04-26-2004 09:37 PM #18
Uou are a one man riot.Duane S
On a quiet night you can hear a Chevy rust
04-26-2004 09:43 PM #19
Originally posted by Streets
Nah ALL ya gotta do is cover yer radio antennae with tin foil and the Martians can't track ya.. make sure the shiny side is out tho... Thas a fact I read in the Alfred E. Newman runs for President book, back in the '60's... I wonder if that douchebag John Kerry is related to him too!!.. heh heh heh...
Don't ferget the ball bearings in the hubcaps to ward of those nasty Police Radar Guns also.."PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
"LIVE" your life like you could die tomorrow.
John 3:16
04-27-2004 05:58 AM #20
GUILTY !!!!!
Thanks for the brain check and i really do mean thanks for caring. I've been using the white mask occasionally and always use the prescription plastic eye glasses and even purchased a full face shield and use them religiously because i only have one eye and in reading your post i am reminded that you are right in saying we only have one set of lungs. I am restoring a duster and am in the process of cleaning parts(Blasting/solvent/brake dust/filler dust and the works) Thanks soooo much for the check. Today i will purchase the good kind of mask. I even quit smoking 10 years ago because it was killing me. I owe you FRIEND.
Bill Stone
West Plains, Mo.
04-27-2004 07:40 AM #21
Oh Great.!!..No more JR's with norbergite
The cylinders have to be inline.!!!
04-27-2004 07:45 AM #22
Originally posted by Small Block
GUILTY !!!!!
Thanks for the brain check .
Bill Stone
West Plains, Mo.That's good enough for me.
Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
04-27-2004 10:34 AM #23
Hey whats with these blue gloves everybodys been wearing?. I used to be a plastic media blaster for my brothers company years ago and still have respritory problems.
04-28-2004 07:37 PM #24
Good advice,i never wore safty glasses.....until i got rust in my eye and had to have it SCRAPED!
Burned like a sunofagun! now i put them on ANY time i'm under a car.
BGSomewhere out on Woordward ave. cruzin!
04-29-2004 10:36 AM #25
Right on Bob.......had a friend here in Tacoma who was a real "he" man......painted without respirator......ended up on kidney dialysis.........body ruined from the fumes of body work and paint....sad but true
04-29-2004 07:27 PM #26
Originally posted by Streets
Thank you, thank you, thank you,.. 4 duh compliment... I usetacould be a Smaudass 2..."PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
"LIVE" your life like you could die tomorrow.
John 3:16
02-12-2005 04:44 PM #27
Originally posted by lt1s10
"really don't know what to say bob, but you could have put my name on every post there and it would have been true. I've never worn a mask, for brake dust and I've done thousands of break jobs, i didn't paint much but in 40 yrs it added up and at one time i was painting school buses without a mask. didn't ware goggles most of the time when grinding metal or accl- oxygen welding, never worn a mask when doing body work, i welded my ring to my finger many times and jumped off of a car left one day and hung my ring on something and like to have pulled my finger off, laid under cars without stands, stood in front of cars in gear with motor running, with the hand brake on and washed parts in gasoline and at 60 yrs. old it coming back to haunt me. cant see hear or breath, but bob im not sure its any one thing i can say to change that. i believe it was a way of life for me, and if a stranger had of come by in 1960 and told me to put on a mask i probably would have told him to go to hell. these safety rules need to start from day one, in the home, school and at work. i was doing what my brother and daddy was doing and that made it ok. no body hate rules worse than i do but im telling every body, all of those safety rules they have in place now will let you live longer and healthier. im the poster mechanic. a pic. is worth a thousand words they say."
And here's the picture he posted of what he needs now.Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
02-12-2005 05:01 PM #28
Looks like I need to start taking care of myself. I saw someone on here saying how they can't see a start and have to look a little to the side of it... I have to do the same thing. Like a few months ago I saw a green light from my fire alarm on the ceiling and I turned to look straight on and I can't see it, I have to turn to the side. I do it all the time when I try sleeping and it bugs me. I will sit there and stare straight at it to see if it will appear and it never does until I look to the side of it. I thought maybe my eyes weren't adjusted to the dark but I sit there for an hour or two and it is still like it so that isn't it. My eyes are really bad anyways, when I don't have glasses on I can't barely see nothing, I see big blobs of stuff if they are about 3 feet in front of me since I am near sighted and can't see far. Also I do bondo work, paint, sanding, blasting, etc almost everyday for auto body and then a lot of brake work everyday in auto tech and I never wear resperator or nothing even though I have a big painters resperator and then the dust masks but the dust masks fog my glasses and the resperator I use to paint, nothing else. I am the only one in the class not to wear the masks because my glasses. I don't wear saftey glasses because I have glasses and the safety ones don't stay on with my glasses under them. I will start wearing a resperator.
Will that blind spot get worse do you guy's think? That will suck if that's what I
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
02-12-2005 06:55 PM #29
aw but gasoline/alkie/nitro fumes smell so gooooooooooodclears the sinuses to
02-12-2005 07:05 PM #30
had a good friend here who did body work.........real macho........painted w/o respitator......went on kidney I take saftey very serious.
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