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Thread: Parts Help & Info Needed

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  1. #1
    JCT400SB's Avatar
    JCT400SB is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1971 chevy Impala 400

    Parts Help & Info Needed


    I'm coming along pretty well on the bodywork of my 1971 Impala and am starting to look at what I need to do to the motor. It is a 400 Small Block which fires right up but runs like crap.

    Right now I know I need to replace both Head Gaskets and Valve Cover Gaskets. While I have it apart was wanting to go to a 4 barrel carb with a new manifold and chrome dress up package.

    My question is what size and type of carb and manifold would you go with. I was looking at a Holly 650 CFM with an Edelbrock manifold and chrome dress up package. I currently have about $500 bucks to spend.

    Should I call Summit or Jegs and let the Customer Service department suggest what I need or do I need to know part numbers etc. before calling? Would I be better off to go to the local Oreilly's incase I have problems and or the wrong parts?

    While I have the top end torn down what else should I consider replacing such as Distributer, Thermostate, Plugs and Wires?

    What problems should I anticipate and or what is a good book or manual to buy with tork specs. etc.?

    Also what do I do with the breather tube that currently runs from the Exhaust Header to the Air Intake as the crome dress up package will not accomidate this?

  2. #2
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Good thing we don't charge by the question!!

    If you're just going for a putter with a little more beans a 650 is plenty, though you might consider an Edelbrock or Street Demon carb as well. They're just a little "friendlier" than a Holley. For an intake the Edelbrock Performer (not Performer RPM, there is a difference) is the old standby. It's great for most "in town" driving. The RPM is for higher rpm power curve.

    The question comes to mind; why does it need head gaskets? Your answer might mean you have other issues to deal with.

    On the chrome dress up kit, avoid the low priced ones the "include everything for $19.95 (or whatever low ball price) they're JUNK!! Even if you're carefull about not over tightening the VC bolts (which you should be), and have the good neoprene VC gaskets, they'll still leak. You want ones that have good rigidity, and are straight, along the mounting surface. The tube you're calling a breather is mainly a chimney to bring manifold heat to the intake air for faster warm up and sooner choke opening (one of the emmissions things they did in the '70's). Chuck it unless you have inspections that require it. Then you just need to reinstall at inspection time.

    Where you buy the stuff is your call, but having the option to deal with a local supplier sometimes pays benefits later if you need to exchange something, or get other stuff. Usually they tend to be more helpfull to repeat customers.

    As for replacing the other stuff, that's a function of what needs it. The thermostat is inexpensive, and while you've got it apart, what the heck. The distributor is another matter. Only replace if it's worn, or defective in some other manner. Replacing the cap, rotor, and wires is also a matter of condition. If it's HEI and you want good parts you're looking at $80-100.

    Torque specs you can find in a Motors manual, or even online with a simple Google search.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  3. #3
    JCT400SB's Avatar
    JCT400SB is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Blue Springs
    Car Year, Make, Model: 1971 chevy Impala 400

    Thanks Bob, I'm glad you guys don't charge for the info I get here or I would be flat broke!

    As for a "frendlier" carb that's exactly what I'm looking for something that I can bolt on without a lot of hassle to get it up and running right out of the box.

    I thought maybe I needed to replace the head gasket because I'm getting a gray smoke that is kind of oily and wet like antifreeze out of the Tailpipe which is what made me think the head gasket may be bad?

    The chrome dress up kit I was looking at is made by Edlebrock and ran about $49 bucks off the shelf at the auto parts store. Is this a low priced set to avoid?

    If I do toss the chimmney to the Air Intake do I simply patch the header at the connection? I live in Missouri so I do have to have the car inspected but as of now they do not test for admissions.

    The reason I asked about the distributor, plugs, wires etc., is that it looks like they have not been replaced since the car was driven off the lot 30 sum years ago.

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