I'm coming along pretty well on the bodywork of my 1971 Impala and am starting to look at what I need to do to the motor. It is a 400 Small Block which fires right up but runs like crap.

Right now I know I need to replace both Head Gaskets and Valve Cover Gaskets. While I have it apart was wanting to go to a 4 barrel carb with a new manifold and chrome dress up package.

My question is what size and type of carb and manifold would you go with. I was looking at a Holly 650 CFM with an Edelbrock manifold and chrome dress up package. I currently have about $500 bucks to spend.

Should I call Summit or Jegs and let the Customer Service department suggest what I need or do I need to know part numbers etc. before calling? Would I be better off to go to the local Oreilly's incase I have problems and or the wrong parts?

While I have the top end torn down what else should I consider replacing such as Distributer, Thermostate, Plugs and Wires?

What problems should I anticipate and or what is a good book or manual to buy with tork specs. etc.?

Also what do I do with the breather tube that currently runs from the Exhaust Header to the Air Intake as the crome dress up package will not accomidate this?