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Thread: Raknfrakn Car

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  1. #1
    JCT400SB's Avatar
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    Question Raknfrakn Car


    I'm still work'n on the pimpala motor try'n to get her runnin right so last night (after replacing the thermostat the night before and runnin her for a good while to make sure she didn’t overheat) I noticed some antifreeze leak'n on top of the Intake Manifold.

    Well I knew that wasn’t good so I figured I'd retork all the Manifold bolts. Got to the bolt over the #2 cylinder were she was leak'n and gave it a turn and it felt a little soft. I knew right then the bolt was gonna snap off and it did.

    That aint good... so I start tear'n her back down again. You would think I'm actually gett'n pretty good at this wrench'n stuff as it only took me about an hour to get it back down to the block and heads again. That went pretty good and I even got the broken bolt out without to much fuss and a little sweet talk'n with a pair of Vice Grips.

    I hate doing things twice and want to make Dam sure I don't have to do it a third time so what do you guy's do when putting on the Intake Manifold. The first time I followed the directions, made sure everything was clean and placed enough silicon gasket adhesive to hold the gasket in place with some extra in the corners. I used the gray colored gasket adhesive which said for use on Intake Manifolds?

    Is this not an aggressive enough sealant / adhesive? Would the red or blue gasket adhesive work better instead?

    Should I be putting more around the areas that seal up just the cooling system or coat the heck out of both sides of the gasket and let'r ooze out the sides?

    Let me know what you think?

  2. #2
    JCT400SB's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Streets
    I usually just put the Blue Sh*t on the ends in place of the rubber gskts. and add a bead to the inside of the edge so the oil has to go up and over to get out, and also leave the gaskets on the heads dry to do their job, then install the permenant STUDS in the heads and torque the nuts in sequential order..Then snap on them red or blue coloured nut covers that add 300 HP to the engine..(:Hehehehehehehe Werkz fer meeeeeeeeeeeee..
    Didn't have a problem with it leak'n on the ends or the other side. It seemed to just be leak'n out of that one top bolt hole? I didn’t put alot of adhesive on the gasket to hold it in place so it was essentially dry.

    Could it have been a bad gasket from the manufacturer? I used Felpro brand gaskets and when I took the Manifold off everything was still lined up the way it should have been. I didnt use a set sequential order for tight'n the bolts down just started in the center and worked out flip flopping sides.

    Oh... Where do ya find them "red or blue coloured nut covers that add 300 HP to the engine..." I could use a set of those

  3. #3
    JCT400SB's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mrmustang
    Did you put any thread sealant on the bolt in question, as some of them do go through water passages. For all of the center bolts(two on each side minimum), I suggest using thread sealant.

    Bill S.
    No... I thought about that last night. I did put thread sealant on the head bolts but not the intake when I reassembled it. This is not a center bolt but the 2nd one back on the front passenger side of the motor. I guess I'll just try it again with new gaskets and thread sealer if you guy's don't think I missed anything the first time.

    Thanks for the help.

  4. #4
    JCT400SB's Avatar
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    Re: sealent and......


    Originally posted by csf03716
    thats a water passage....... hey just some food for thought...if you used a wire wheel to clean the bolts, and they were in sh*t shape to start withyou will end up with enough area for coolant to walk up the threads and leak out and any water passage area will always benefit from some sealant even if you just finger it on both sides of the gasket and let it set up a bit before torqin down...and tappin the bolt holes is worth the price of a tap...and gives ya friends somethin to do besides drink beer and hang around watchin you work.........
    I just so happend to have cleaned all those bolts up with a wire wheel. Your either a mind reader or .... Hey wait, is that you Jim? Stop drink'n all my beer and come over here and tap these holes! Man, you hit that one on the head. Thanks for the input. Im gonna replace all the intake bolts now and hopefully that will take care of it.

  5. #5
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I would use grade 8 allen head bolts, they're easier to torque.
    Ken Thomas
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  6. #6
    Rrumbler is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Run a tap in the holes in the head, use new bolts, and thread sealant, and torque according to GM specs. Works every time - almost. It does not tak much sealant, either; I always just run a small bead down a couple of spots, the length of the threads.

  7. #7
    JCT400SB's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info guy's. I'll try your suggestions.

  8. #8
    JCT400SB's Avatar
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    Just wanted to say thanks to you guy' s that responded. Got everything back together and its leak free! The new bolts and thread sealent must have been what it needed. Bolts were not too easy to come buy as I had to go to 3 different Hardware stores to get enough bolts and some were a little long. Had to grind'em down a bit to get them to work. Good car weekend though and thanks again for the help!

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