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Thread: Electric Supercharegers?

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  1. #1
    68chevelless396 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Electric Supercharegers?


    I have seen these things on ebay, cheap lil things that cram air into ur intake and they are claiming that they make 2 psi of boost. Has anyone ever tried one and if so how does it work. I am only 16 so i cant afford to spend thousands on my engine. So just tell me if these things are worth a pretty penny or if they are just junk.

  2. #2
    BlownGoat's Avatar
    BlownGoat is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I think i know which ones your talking about chevelle and hoestly i wouldn't waste a penny on them things in my opinion

    the eRAM style if i'm not mistaken if thats the kind your talking about is designed for cars such as toyota and other ricer style cars and even then they only "claim" 7-13hp gain and honestly i dont even believe that myself.
    My advice at your age i'd build a good solid nat. aspirated motor and wait till you can afford a true supercharger such as Weiand,BDS,or the such and do it right without wasteing money on "gimmics" ...at least thats my feelings on it.

    Somewhere out on Woordward ave. cruzin!

  3. #3
    MrMopar64's Avatar
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    Re: Electric Supercharegers?


    Originally posted by 68chevelless396
    I have seen these things on ebay, cheap lil things that cram air into ur intake and they are claiming that they make 2 psi of boost. Has anyone ever tried one and if so how does it work. I am only 16 so i cant afford to spend thousands on my engine. So just tell me if these things are worth a pretty penny or if they are just junk.
    Save your money........


  4. #4
    viking's Avatar
    viking is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Yeah mostly snake oil, B..U..T.. if ya just gotta find out, save a bunch and get'em where the e-bay sellers do


    goto Online shop, enter blower for keyword

    have fun
    Last edited by viking; 10-10-2004 at 11:27 AM.
    Objects in the mirror are losing

  5. #5
    Rrumbler is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I am not a physicist, so you must take this with a grain or two of salt: my take on this is - consider it in terms of airflow - in CFM.

    If your carburetor is capable of WOT airflow of 600CFM, this device must exceed that by a rather large margin to be very effective. If it won't, then at best it is just a non-functioning piece of ductwork, but more likely, it becomes a restriction to the passage of air into the intake system. Most fans of the size this seems to be will flow about 150 to 300CFM of air.

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