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Thread: Do you know bolt circles

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  1. #1
    Justin94117's Avatar
    Justin94117 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 54 Plymouth Savoy

    Do you know bolt circles


    Been having a time tryin to find the years Mopar used a 5 on 5-1/2 wheel bolt pattern(grape vine). I am sourcing out a rear end that needs to meet too many requirements and have narrowed it down to a Bronco wich is to wide(at 58" w/no $ fer shortening) or a mystery mopar. Basicaly it comes down to finding a 5 on 5-1/2, no more than 54"s wheel mounting surface to surface.

    These are all canditates, but I can't find wheel bolt patterns. Anybody got any hints or links.

    '28-40 Ford , '57 - 59 Ford
    '62 Buick Skylark, '67 Chevrolet Six
    '67 Mustang Six , '68 AMX
    '69 Javelin Six , '70 dodge
    '70 Duster , '71-77 Maverick
    '71 Comet , '71- 72 Pinto

    '39 -48 Chevrolet, '68 GTO
    '41 -48 Ford, '68-72 Chevelle
    '55 -57 Chevrolet, 68-69 Fair lane 6 or 8
    '66 Falcon, '69 Chevrolet
    '67 Mustang V-8, '69 Firebird
    '69 Cougar, '71 -73 Nova
    '73 Ventura, '73 Mustang
    Justin RFFR
    Isaiah 40:31

  2. #2
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
    Bob Parmenter is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I don't recall any post WWII Mopar having a 5 1/2 bolt circle, only 4 1/2, same as typical Ford. The 5 1/2 you seek is '48 and older Ford passenger, and full size Ford pickup up to sometime in the late '70's to mid '80's (sorry, don't have time to look it up right now).

    From your list, only your first Ford listing is 5 1/2 and the Ford Bronco/pickup vehicles.

    Of what you have listed the '57-59 Ford passenger cars are the narrowest at 57 1/4" flange to flange, in the 9" and the narrowest 8" would be the Maverick at 56". I don't have any experience with the American Motors stuff other than they are also 4 1/2 bolt circle. None of the ones you have listed are probably narrow enough either as I've never seen them touted as a quick solution for a narrow rear.

    What is it you're trying to achieve? Are you limited to 5 1/2 by an existing wheel choice? Are you restricted to 54" by existing wheel choice offset, or body dimension limitations? If you have some flexibility in wheel or body clearance, the best choice might be the 56" Ford 8" and have the flanges and drums redrilled for the 5 1/2" circle.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  3. #3
    Justin94117's Avatar
    Justin94117 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    San Francisco
    Car Year, Make, Model: 54 Plymouth Savoy

    Yeah BBB, thanks fer pointing out that little booboo I made. My donor numbers above are for backing plate to backing plate.

    The rearend needs to be short (54") due to body dimmensions for a roadster pickup, and it is running ford gear in the front (5-1/2). I think your sugestion to re-drill would be the most efficient and cost effective. Why does it always end up dead ending at $$$. Ah the cycle of life.

    Thanks Bob
    Justin RFFR
    Isaiah 40:31

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