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Thread: Coil overs

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  1. #1
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Coil overs


    I have coil overs on my '31 and am curious as to what happens to load capacity when they are adjusted. Since there are several past and present racers here thought I would ask.

    OK - the rear coil overs are TCI's All American and with each, I believe, 200# springs (but don't hold me to that figure - I need to try to find the color code). There is approximately 3" of adjustment - with them currently set +/- an inch from the bottom. Now say that I want to increase rear end height/rebound, I'll move them up some amount. Since I believe that the springs are variable rate, what does that do for their compressibility? Does it in fact change those 200# springs to say, 225#? Why do I need variable rate springs? Or don't I need them? These are a bit soggy where they are with the almost full '32 gas tank? Should I just invest in some -- say 250# springs rather then fool around with 'squeezing' these? If I buy different rate springs, who should I buy them from - TCI is way too slow shipping and these appear to be "standard" 3x10 inch race car type springs. Speedway has chrome ()AFCO's from 115 to 600 lbs for about $45 ea
    Dave W
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  2. #2
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If they are progressive rate springs, my experience with compressing them is that you will lose some of the soft side of the progressive rate and get into the more firm part a bit earlier in the suspension travel. 200 lbs. should be real close on the rate, think I would try cranking in about 3/8" of compression on each before I spent money on a heavier spring.
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  3. #3
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    If you have adjustable valving try adjusting your compression. Slowing the the shock down can make a big difference.

  4. #4
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Dave S and Ken - I'm going to crawl under the car again tomorrow to do both of what you suggest.

    First of all, I'm going to try to find out by TCI color code what I really have. There has been some confusion as when I was putting the car together, they asked me to return the fronts - someone put some that were way too soft in my shipment - surprise, they actually checked. Then I'll make my spring and shock valving adjustment. There will be some difference as I raised the rear of the car by using the highest bolt hole. Even with the tall tires, that '32 gas tank was a wee bit lower then I wanted.

    Here's a pretty good article by AFCO and more about springs then I ever needed to know:eek. I haven't read the entire write up yet, but will before I get down and dirty tomorrow (the floor, not the car is covered with leaves and dust - forgot to close the door yesterday and it was windy)

    Dave W
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  5. #5
    deuce4papa is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    It may help you to measure how much the spring is compressed at ride height now, before adjusting them any further. Just a thought. I have these same 200# progressive coilovers, but don't have the car finished yet. Keep us posted.

  6. #6
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by deuce4papa View Post
    It may help you to measure how much the spring is compressed at ride height now, before adjusting them any further. Just a thought. I have these same 200# progressive coilovers, but don't have the car finished yet. Keep us posted.
    Pretty tough - I for sure can't get under there when it's on the ground being very low and full fendered with a '32 gas tank and the brackets I made to hold it to the '31 TCI chassis in the way. Plus the exhaust.
    Dave W
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  7. #7
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Thurm View Post
    If you have adjustable valving try adjusting your compression. Slowing the the shock down can make a big difference.
    Dave, not to hijack your thread, but I have Viper Coilovers from Pete & Jakes. The adjusting knob on the top has four "clicks". I'm assuming that fully counter-clockwise is the softest, and the damping gets progressively tighter as you tighten the adjusting valve. Is that correct?
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    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Dave, not to hijack your thread, but I have Viper Coilovers from Pete & Jakes. The adjusting knob on the top has four "clicks". I'm assuming that fully counter-clockwise is the softest, and the damping gets progressively tighter as you tighten the adjusting valve. Is that correct?

    Roger - somewhere in my 'archives' I have that information from TCI, but yes, they go from softest, full CCW to stiffest full CW. Mine I believe have 6 clicks, but not a big deal
    Dave W
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    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post
    Roger - somewhere in my 'archives' I have that information from TCI, but yes, they go from softest, full CCW to stiffest full CW. Mine I believe have 6 clicks, but not a big deal
    Dave - based on your 6 clicks I went back out and put a bit more grip on the knurled knobs. They had a definite "hard spot" about four clicks to CW, but once past that they each have ten (10) detent clicks. Once exercised they adjust easily full range now.
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  10. #10
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Resurrecting an old thread

    The education continues.................

    I finally got to the front springs on my '31. The fronts, according to the blue dab painted on the end are 160in lb springs, not 200 as I thought I had been sold. Using the correction factor that AFCO and others post of .93 to .95 (they are installed at 13* ) that will give them an effective rate of ~150 in lb. AFCO, again, says my car should have as high as 350in lb for the front, but I do have more engine set back then normal so there is more weight bias towards the rear. Then there is that '32 gas tank. I just ordered a set of 325's from Speedway just to be on the conservative side as that corrected then becomes ~300in lb. When I pulled the existing coil overs, I found that the adjusters were within a half inch of the top for the bottom 'A' arm to be parallel with the floor. And I wondered why the car wallowed.

    Once these are done, then off to the back to see what surprises meet me there. The backs look like progressives, so who knows. But I will
    Dave W
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  11. #11
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Got my new springs yesterday - pretty, but the country of manufacture



    Dammit - why wont Photobucket open pictures here
    Last edited by IC2; 01-20-2011 at 06:45 AM. Reason: To swear!!!!
    Dave W
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  12. #12
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I just took a rear spring off - holy @#$%. According to the TCI info, the rears are 300/540 progressive rate springs (effective rate 282/508 @ .94 for the 13* installed angle). No wonder the car wallowed with effective 150 in lb on the front and these on the rear - plus there was NO give to it at all. The worst part - these springs are 11 inches long, not the normal 10's, so I need to do a web search for a supplier other then s-l-o-o-o-w TCI.
    Dave W
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    LIFESTYLZ's Avatar
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    Photobucket not working for me either.

  14. #14
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    A bit of an update. I just spent a couple hours looking for 11" springs. TCI has them - that's it. No one else uses this length. 8, 10, 12 and 14 inches are the standard.

    So - another Speedway order for some 10" springs along with some Genesis 1" spacers from Hoerr Racing. As long as I have had these parts/TCI chassis, not a bit of recourse for the extra bucks I've spent. Too bad I wasn't as "smart" as I am today. If I had a lathe, the spacers would already have been made.

    Luckily Speedway has some 190 pound at garage sale cost, which with the correction factor are only 6-8 pounds over what is needed.

    Dam' this is fun!!!!!
    Dave W
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  15. #15
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    OOPS - they only had one 190# so I ordered some Carrara/QA1. They showed up this afternoon and are on their way back to Speedway tomorrow - one has a 1/2 list and both have lousy chrome plating with black/bare spots. Ordered a pair of AFCO's 200# which will work, tho a wee bit heavier then I need and they might need a shim with my spacers (which are almost too pretty to hide)
    Dave W
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