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Thread: 1946 ford chassis ?

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  1. #1
    fisheasy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    1946 ford chassis ?


    I have a 46 coupe that has a nova front clip on it. well its to wide and i was wondering what i would need for frame rails if i just cut it out and replaced it so i could use a mustangII front end. Is there a book or blue prints with specific measurements that i can go by? thanks for the help

  2. #2
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fisheasy View Post
    I have a 46 coupe that has a nova front clip on it. well its to wide and i was wondering what i would need for frame rails if i just cut it out and replaced it so i could use a mustangII front end. Is there a book or blue prints with specific measurements that i can go by? thanks for the help
    You might check with Fatman Fabrications. They build mustang II frame stubs for many cars. http://fatmanfab.com/catalogpage.php?page=6

    Also, you might be able to find a stock 46 frame pretty cheap and just start over and build the chassis like you want it. Just a thought.
    Last edited by randyr; 11-22-2010 at 03:57 PM.
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  3. #3
    fisheasy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    yeah i have been looking for a new chassis, but no luck yet. i was told i could take three inches out of the middle and it would work. Does anyone know how wide i need to be for the tires to turn?

  4. #4
    406Rich's Avatar
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    The sub frames from the buicks say about `75 to `85 are the same but with one big differance the a-arms are shorter by two inches each side, so with that said you can bolt these up to your sub frame with one mod to be done that is the stabilizer bar that resides at the bottom area of the a-arm on both sides will need a new mount for you to fab up. quick fix
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  5. #5
    fisheasy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    so just to make sure i understand you correctly. I can buy buick a-arms and bolt them up to what i have and they would work under the 46 without modifying the front clip?

  6. #6
    406Rich's Avatar
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    What year nova sub frame are talking about first before I get to far ahead of the game, if its a mid seventies yes, buick regal or any of the G bodies will, you just need to create a new lower stabilizer link on the frame member( the buick stabilizers are shorter and little differant angle) and use camaro adjusters on the tie rods if I remember correctly.
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  7. #7
    fisheasy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    im not sure to be honest with you. is there any marking on it to discern between the the year? its from the 70,s im sure. and i think someone told me it was an A body

  8. #8
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    I`m almost sure camaro and nova from 70 to 80 are the same, the buick is the same as far as width from eye to eye, they are just 2 inches shorter in lenght, only the G bodies like the 80 to 89 regal. Just take a tape measure with you and your measurements to be sure, you`ll have to get everything a-arms and splindles, calipers and brackets, you`ll have to use the 70 camaro tie rod link adjusters they are longer and stepped if I remember, we did this same on a `55 chevy some years ago, same issue the nova was to wide,( after it was welded in ) a well informed wrecking yard guy gave us this tip, then we was good to go.
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  9. #9
    patconor is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Very informative of you rich. I agree with what he said that Buick parts is the same as far as width from eye to eye. Why don't you use a Chevy s-10 chassis. Just look for what year s-10 chassis would be best for your build. Or you can just keep the stock frame and put a mustang II front suspension.
    Last edited by patconor; 01-07-2011 at 10:29 PM.

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