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Thread: Will this raise it??

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  1. #61
    slantback37's Avatar
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    Ok Thanks.. I didn't know that. I thought that the shaft had busted off.. I will order another ball joint. I think I could still just clean up the shaft. Finish drilling out those rivets out. Get a couple of grade 8 bolts and nuts and put it back on??

  2. #62
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    Ok Thanks.. I didn't know that. I thought that the shaft had busted off.. I will order another ball joint. I think I could still just clean up the shaft. Finish drilling out those rivets out. Get a couple of grade 8 bolts and nuts and put it back on??
    Did you destroy the grease boot, or just remove it? It is a critical part of the ball joint, holding clean grease in reserve to feed the ball joint as it flexes. If you have or can get a replacement boot, then it seems you should be able to punch out the rivets and re-install the ball joint you have.
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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    Ok Thanks.. I didn't know that. I thought that the shaft had busted off.. I will order another ball joint. I think I could still just clean up the shaft. Finish drilling out those rivets out. Get a couple of grade 8 bolts and nuts and put it back on??
    This makes sense to me Al. Unless you've done something to really damage this ball joint, it should still work as Roger explained.
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  4. #64
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    No. Nothing was done there. The boot is a little rough at the top, but otherwise ok. I just have to clean it up and drill out the rest of those rivets. I did notice though when I was taking the droped spindle out. The top of the spindle was hitting the upper arm. When I put on the original ones it never came close. I am hoping that when this is done. The crossmember goes up, and the body goes down some, and nothing hits anything..

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    No. Nothing was done there. The boot is a little rough at the top, but otherwise ok. I just have to clean it up and drill out the rest of those rivets. I did notice though when I was taking the droped spindle out. The top of the spindle was hitting the upper arm. When I put on the original ones it never came close. I am hoping that when this is done. The crossmember goes up, and the body goes down some, and nothing hits anything..
    As for the drop spindle hitting the upper arm, pic#17 in the Rod & Custom article addresses a possible solution for that.
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  6. #66
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    I will hold on to them, but for now I am going back to stock. If it looks to goofy I will go back to dropped, and get the 450 Lb coils..

  7. #67
    randyr's Avatar
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    did you compare the size of the bottom hole on the drop spindle with the stock one to see if that's why the ball joint wasn't seating far enough in?
    Last edited by randyr; 05-14-2011 at 07:41 PM.
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  8. #68
    slantback37's Avatar
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    Seems kind of like the whole works looks different. I will take a couple of pics of them tomorrow morning. No light in the garage right now.

  9. #69
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    I deceided to get a new ball joint. Comming in from NAPA on Tuesday.. I didn't want to take any chances..

  10. #70
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    I would like to Thank both jerry clayton, and rspears for your help. I took out the drop spindles, and put the stock ones back on. I left the coils the way they are, and used the wheels and tires I have now. I now have that same pop can plus 2" of clearance under the crossmember. The fender does come over the top of the tire. There is no spacer behind the rim, and the grease fitting is about 3 1/2" away from the bottom of the rim. I ran the car around the block. The road here isn't the best, and it never bottomed out.. Thanks again Guys.. You know your stuff, and how to tell us.. Al

  11. #71
    rspears's Avatar
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    Hey Slantback, glad to hear you got it back together and are happy with the result. RandyR gave you some good pointers, too, especially the references to the R&C article that gives really good pictorials references to go by. I believe you'll be lots happier with the way the car handles raised up a bit.
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  12. #72
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    Yes.. Thank You RandyR as well. For some reason I can't use those drop spindles. The article was good, just wouldn't work for me.. Thanks All of you for your help.. Al

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    Yes.. Thank You RandyR as well. For some reason I can't use those drop spindles. The article was good, just wouldn't work for me.. Thanks All of you for your help.. Al
    You're welcome, Al. I hope you got the ride height you wanted with the stock spindles. I was just trying to help you figure out what went wrong with the drop spindles because they seem to work fine on my car. Post some pics when you get a chance so we can see how it turned out.
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  14. #74
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    I can't figure that one either. I would say if you are going to buy drop spindles.. By them from someone you know. A company. I bought mine off ebay for $149. For all I know.. They came from China. They just didn't fit right. The stock ones fit fine. Everything fits. I may in the future cut another half coil out, but for now it works good.. Thanks again.. i will take some pics of it after everything gets bumped back into place..

  15. #75
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    Here you go. I had to pull it out of the garage, so I took a couple of pics of it..
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