Originally posted by ali reyadh
Hey lt1s10
do you now wher Could i find a streetr c6 .
I've always built all of my trans. so I've never bought one, but if i had to i would find somebody local that was good at it and go to him ,tell him what i wanted , agree on a price, agree on a warranty, let him build it and if i had a problem with it i could carry it back to him and make him fix it. personally i wouldn't buy a trans.out of a book(and its done every day without a problem) the dif is i know what goes into all of them and the shop down the st. can do it as well as anybody, if he knows what he is doing. as far as the C4 goes ive built a lot of them, but never for racing and my opinion is not very good, but let some of the other people give you their opinion about them, before you make up your mind. for about the same money id go C6 JMO