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Thread: New 700R4 Troubles - Help!

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  1. #1
    screamer63_1979's Avatar
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    New 700R4 Troubles - Help!


    Have an 84 Camaro, 305 4bbl.
    Old leaky slipping 700R4 needed replaced, so we go and get from Summit a TCI 700R4 and a B&M 1900 RPM +- torque converter. Put in new lines, additional cooler, new TV cable, new shifter cable, new trans mount. So far so good, right?

    WELL, finally got it all together, start car, fill trans up. At idle, car is up on jackstands. Put it into gear, fwd and reverser, etc, to work the trans, check that things rotate, then top off fluid. No leaks, all is working as it should (all gear line, reverse and fwd work).

    Here is the problem - in gear, any gear, put foot on brake to stop rear wheel from rotating and engine stalls - as in the trans is locked up....

    Car had electronic 700R4, now it is non-electronic. The B&M torque converter, as are all of their torque converters, can be lock up or not. Directions say nothing to do or not to do if used in a non-lock up trannie.

    Any idea what the porb is? checked and rechecked TV cable adjustment, nothing wrong that we can determine.

    We suspect either torque converter is locked up (not sure how or why) or the trans clutches are stuck ....

    Any ideas? We weren't drinking beer today, could that be it?

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  2. #2
    Mike P's Avatar
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    I would suggest you talk to TCI and/or B&M either should have a tech line to answer your questions. (Sounds to me like the converter is in the lock up mode).
    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  3. #3
    screamer63_1979's Avatar
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    thats kinda what i thought too.
    Any idea how a TC locks up? I thought is was electrical, but really have no idea.
    Being a weekend I figured the best support would be found here, as B&M and TCI are probably closed.
    Only the dead fish go with the flow.

  4. #4
    hotwheels8816 is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    you should go to


    they should be able to help you out


  5. #5
    janiluo's Avatar
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    If the torque converter is locking up check that the electrical cable is not connected to the tranny.
    If that wont help check that the lock up solenoid is not jamming. To do that you have to remove the oilpan to get to the solenoid.
    Just some ideas! ...if that works or not, have a drink anyway!


  6. #6
    screamer63_1979's Avatar
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    the new trans has NO electrical connection, so no wires, relays or solenoids. This is part of why i am stumped!

    the only connections between trans and car: bellhousing bolts, converter bolts, TV cable, shift cable, trans mount and driveshaft, ground wire. And yes, it is a braided steel ground wire.

    we purposely picked a non-electronic trans as next year out comes the 305 and in goes a 350, so we are tossing the computer and figured this would be the simpler, more foolproof way.

    Apparently not so foolproof!
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  7. #7
    club327's Avatar
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    Chris. When working as a mechanic, I once had the displeasure of a Nissan fwd auto that had a seized lock up clutch in the converter. Would do the same, idle ok until it was put into gear - it would then stall. What I'd do to isolate the the torque converter as the cause would be to run the car on stands as you've been doing. With the tran's in drive and wheels turning, slowly put the brakes on and view the rpm on the tacho whilst listening to the engine note for any load changes. If the converter's locked up you should be able to force the engine down 400 to 500 rpm, just as u can with a manual gearbox. It may even go below that, much to the engine's disgust. If it goes just below 800 rpm and thens stalls without any warning, then look elsewhere. The guys above me seem to know what activates the t/c clutch which is great, but won't fix the prob' if the t/c clutch has seized. So once all the checks have been done as suggested by me and the other genrtlemen, then it would be safe to say yes, the torque converter is defective. Hope I was of some help, Rob.
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  8. #8
    screamer63_1979's Avatar
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    Summit says we got hte wrong converter...who knows, but they will exchange it. gonna go on over there today and should know more as soon as we get it all back together.

    I need a bigger garage! we are working out in the driveway, not bad, except it keeps on raining here! we draw the line at laying in puddles and working in the rain 'for fun'.
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  9. #9
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Chris...............................that's called baptism. I'll bet most of the geezers here started in a driveway too. Always did trans changes over the transition from the street to the driveway apron, gave a little more heighth for "pressing" the trans up without having to use jack stands.............which we didn't have anyway. The neighbor gal, who hated my "noisy old car", usually turned on her sprinklers so the drain off would come down the "gutter" where we were laying. I'm still playing with "noisy cars" and she's probably still a bit@h.
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