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Thread: Turbo 350 Problem

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  1. #1
    firebirdfreak's Avatar
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    Question Turbo 350 Problem


    Help me please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I purchased a rebuilt th 350 from what was supposed a reputable
    local tranny shop. It came with a mild shift kit installed. I installed
    the 350 as I had done many times before, with a 1200 rpm stall
    converter. It ran great for about 3 months. Now, it has no forward
    gears, it grabs reverse very well. I tried to hit up the tranny shop
    on the 3yr./ 36000 mile warranty. He had gone out of bussiness
    and dissapeared. I have pulled the pan - no significant debris and filter is clean. I should also mention that with fluid at correct level,
    it spits a large amount of fluid out of tranny dipstick tube.

    Any ideas ????

  2. #2
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    get it rebuilt.

    Sorry dude, I ran into EXACTLY the same problem with a certain local shop... ask around first, and don't automatically take it to the most expensive or least expensive shop.

    There is a shop in Columbus which I like, they are pretty cheap, but don't usually get it perfect the first time. They never get it back at the promised time either. Tried a more expensive shop ( nearly double ) and had the EXACT SAME experience. Top dollar rarely gets you top service.

    Had the rear end in my 78 firebird rebuilt, cause the front seal was leaking. After they rebuilt it, started leaking from the front seal and BOTH rear seals. They told me the axles were grooved, and they installed offset seals. ( my brother in law, the experienced mechanic says he has NEVER had a problem with offset seals leaking ) Anyway, they re-did the seals once, they leaked again, and then they said the warranty period was up. Ended up swapping it out for a used rear end, and when I did... found the vent tube was plugged up. Probably the problem the whole time. And that was the MOST EXPENSIVE drivetrain shop in town.
    Last edited by firebird77clone; 09-26-2005 at 07:07 PM.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  3. #3
    firebirdfreak's Avatar
    firebirdfreak is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: '68 Firebird Formula

    Thanks for the response FB77clone!
    I think we have boiled the prob. down an improperly
    torqued valve body. Thus, pressure in the pan from valve body
    gasket leaking, pumping fluid out the dipstick tube.

    C-YA ! FBfreak

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