Originally posted by DallasHannah3
No No, i got a turbo350, but the kickdown was taken out by me cuz the bolt that holds the cable in is stripped out and it was rigged up when i got it outta the caprice, so i never fixed it. it's there, just no operational. hehe. The vacuum modulator isn't hooked up either because it seems to shift better when it's capped off than when i have vacuum going to it! But ima try to find a good place for it, cuz the powerglide was hhooked to the carb for the right vacuum, so i tried the port ABOVE the brake booster vacuum hose..and it just ins't working, but it might just be the trans itself, so i'm gonna try to just get a whole new tranny.

It won't shift into park, the shifter goes through all the gears, but the trans interprets them all as 1ST...so it's esentially just stuck in first, even when i put it in P and turn the car off, pull the keys out..it's in 1st gear still. So i have to park nose first on hills and slants lol.

Your 350 will interpret manual second and third as first because that is how they work. When you put it in manual second from a stop, all that means is that it will only shift up to second. Check your governor. Those times shifting at 6000 might have caused it to stick or break the gear.