Originally posted by DallasHannah3
LT1 i wasn't doubting any of you guys, I was saying i'm gonna check the linkage first, but to get the kickdown in i'll have to get the mounting bolt hole rethreaded,etc, so if it's not just the linkage is broken or something simple then i'm gonna go with a whole new transmission instead of trying to replace the valve body and this and that. Someone was telling me that when i put it in 2 on the shift indicator that it'll only go to 2nd and now higher till i put it in 3 ..and i was just saying that i know that. I was explaining the problem over because he seemed to think that i wasn't aware that when i put it in 2nd that it'll start in 1st, then shift to 2nd..

I don't think he realized that even in P, R and N it was still in first.

I haven't checked any of this yet because i pulled 3 muscles in my back at work friday and ripped 4 pieces of cartiagle in between my ribs and my sternum as well, so crawling around on the ground isn't exactly easy right now.

So when i'm all better i'll get under and look and try to make it all better..and hopefully it'll be easy/cheap!

sorry to hear about you back, but its a few people here telling you like it is, i kinda see you leaning the other way. dont worry about the cable bolt, you can fix that without pulling the trans. the chance of the problem being in the valve body is slim to none. your problem is in the linkage, its just a matter finding out what it is. if you will get under the car, check the linkage there, then drop the pan and tell me what the linkage is doing in the trans. ill tell you how to fix it. it might be something nobody has ever heard of but i doubt it.