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Thread: HELP s10 LT1 swap tranny problem

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  1. #1
    foofer1986 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    HELP s10 LT1 swap tranny problem


    ok heres the problem, im going to take the engine out of my 94 camaro z28 with an automatic transmission and put it into my 1995 s10 4 cyl, with the 5 speed and no air conditioning. heres my question, is there anyway to keep my 5 speed from the truck and install it on the lt1. what will have to be modified or purchased and, what about the bellhousing, i know some chevy stuff is interchangable but i dont know about this one, please help

  2. #2
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Re: HELP s10 LT1 swap tranny problem


    Originally posted by foofer1986
    ok heres the problem, im going to take the engine out of my 94 camaro z28 with an automatic transmission and put it into my 1995 s10 4 cyl, with the 5 speed and no air conditioning. heres my question, is there anyway to keep my 5 speed from the truck and install it on the lt1. what will have to be modified or purchased and, what about the bellhousing, i know some chevy stuff is interchangable but i dont know about this one, please help
    if it was a auto. I could tell you, but the 5 speed I don't know about. never tried to hook up a 4 cyl. trans. to a V8.
    you need to use the 7oor4. thats behind the lt1.
    Last edited by lt1s10; 02-02-2006 at 12:58 PM.
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  3. #3
    foofer1986 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    i would bolt up the original 700r but i dont want to sacrifice the power of an auto if i could do the 5 spd

  4. #4
    foofer1986 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    also any advice that you can give me about wiring and mounting stuff would be very helpfull, it doesnt have ac so that makes it easier

  5. #5
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Re: reply


    Originally posted by foofer1986
    i would bolt up the original 700r but i dont want to sacrifice the power of an auto if i could do the 5 spd
    with a good shifting auto. there is no sacrifice i don't think. i did what you're doing and never thought about the 5 speed. JMO
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  6. #6
    foofer1986 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    did you use the computer from the lt1 and the one from the truck or just the one from the lt1 cuz i read i didnt need both cuz the truck never had the underhood one that rests on the coolant resevior. did you buy an after market wiring kit or rig it up and what did you do about the abs but i dont have cc so i dont have to worry about that

  7. #7
    R Pope is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    That little 5-speed won't handle that much torque. Use the automatic.

  8. #8
    75mbsl is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I used an S&P harness for lt1 conversions I put my computer under the dash ,but on a truck I'd just put it under the hood I am not sure about the ABS my chevelle didnt have it
    just finished a frame off resto mod 67 Chevellewith 383 stroked LT1 and a 75 mb 450 SL (not a hot rod but a sweet old convertable}Now am restoring a 69 Nova SS

  9. #9
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by foofer1986
    did you use the computer from the lt1 and the one from the truck or just the one from the lt1 cuz i read i didnt need both cuz the truck never had the underhood one that rests on the coolant resevior. did you buy an after marreket wiring kit or rig it up and what did you do about the abs but i dont have cc so i dont have to worry about that
    I cut all the wires that went to the stock comp. threw them in the trash. with the 95 body it will be easier to do that, because more stuff goes through the comp. in the 97. other than the wiring its really no big deal. if you can afford new wires get them. you also need to get you a book on this, because it a lot of little things you gonna wish you had of known about. Ill get you some info on that later, because I don't have it right now. you gonna need somebody to reprogram your comp. and get the burglar alarm eliminated and if you use the 700r4 then he can change the shift points. Ill get you some more info. later. the ABS is not tied into the motor comp.
    Last edited by lt1s10; 02-02-2006 at 03:37 PM.
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  11. #11
    foofer1986 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    dunno how much that thread helped but it sure was interesting, but i was wondering what did you have to do with your driveshaft in your truck and how exactly did you keep that thing kool, cuz i know that the stock radiator wont do

  12. #12
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by foofer1986
    dunno how much that thread helped but it sure was interesting, but i was wondering what did you have to do with your driveshaft in your truck and how exactly did you keep that thing kool, cuz i know that the stock radiator wont do
    one of the books will tell you everything you need to know, like the ? you just asked and a lot of little things you dont know to ask, and I have forgotten. I dont mind telling you what ever you need to know. I used a 89 cervette rad. with a 92 ford Taurus elec. fan, works great, but the rad. was more for the size than for cooling. I went to the junk yard and got me a drive shaft out of a reg. cab s10 and mixed, matched them untill I got a fit, didn't have to cut nothing . cross mumber is no problem. mine sits in there nice, and everything works. I'm not sure what the fuel pump pressure is on the 4 cyl., but you gonna need a 60 lb. pump with the lt1. you need to check on that.
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  13. #13
    foofer1986 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    what all will have to be cut? firewall? fender wells? radiator support? in

  14. #14
    lakota is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Every question you can ask about this swap is covered in great detail on this site:


    This site is dedicated to the V8 swap in an S-10. It covers engines, transmissions, rearends and electrical.
    52 Ford F-1, 327 Chevy, S-10 frame

    My website:

  15. #15
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by foofer1986
    what all will have to be cut? firewall? fender wells? radiator support? in
    its a seem on the fire wall you'll need to beat down and move the rad, foward about 2", I think thats all you have to do, but I cut out for the exhaust manifolds and the ac, heater/ ac box, but I can't tell you where, because you need to sit the motor over into the motor bay before you cut those places. most people don't go that far, but I hate rattles.

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