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Thread: Need Help On Chevy Bellhousing

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Need Help On Chevy Bellhousing


    I posted this question awhile ago, and didn't get an answer. I'm starting to watch Ebay for the bellhousing I need to mate the '99 Vortec 350 to the '64-'67 Chevy Nova trans I have coming. I haven't played with a Chevy for many years, so I don't have a clue what to look for.

    I assume all the Chevy SB have the same bolt pattern, but my question is about the bolt pattern and bearing carrier cut-out size on the backside of the bellhousing. I see some on ebay that are like 4 and something inches and some are 5 and something inches. It looks to me like the 5 inch ones might be for a truck trans??

    Also, some are showing 10.5 clutches and some are 11 inch. Is there a different tooth count flywheel I should be looking for?

    I always thought Chevy small block was Chevy small block, but now I'm confused. Any help you Chevy guys can provide will be appreciated.



  2. #2
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    What kind of trans?
    Ken Thomas
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  3. #3
    29arod's Avatar
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    Cool GM bell housing


    Try the following links to decode GM trans and engine specs...



  4. #4
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    What kind of trans?

    I haven't seen it yet. It was only described as '64-'67 Nova 3 speed, with a new Hurst shifter. I won it for $29.00 on Ebay, so I wasn't too worried about too many details. I figured the shifter alone was worth it.

    I suspect it is just a run of the mill Chevy 3 speed, but I don't know much about Chevys, so I don't know if there are different mounting patterns on the trans or what. Even if it is a 6 cyl trans, it will be strong enough for the application I am using it for (My $3 K T Bucket)

    I know with Fords there are different balances to the flywheels, different tooth counts, etc. but my impression of Chevys is that pretty much from '55 Up, all the bellhousings and flywheels are sort of interchangeable. That might be way out in left field, and is why I am asking.

    Thanks for the responses, I'll look at the site 29arod provided.

    I did see on Ebay where some bellhousings have a 4 inch registration hole and some have a 5, which leads me to beleive the bigger one is for trucks ??

    Any Chevy knowledge you can get me will be greatly appreciated.


  5. #5
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I blew up a picture of the Ebay ad, does this help ID it?

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    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I have the bellhousing that I had mated to the 400 in the '62 pickup. The trans I used was an all synchro 3 speed from a '66 Chevelle. The bellhousing is the old style that mounts on frame tabs just past the firewall. It's also a hydraulic clutch type (the throw out arm comes out of the right side of the bellhousing) and I still have the slave cylinder. Let me know if you're interested and I can also take pictures of it.
    Ken Thomas
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  7. #7
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    It might work, but what about the frame tabs you mention? Pictures would be great.


  8. #8
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    All of the early Chevys mounted that way, the tranny just hung in the breeze. As soon as I can dig it out I'll take some pictures and post them.
    Ken Thomas
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    Yeah, my 394 Olds in the '39 is mounted that way. When it's convenient, post the pictures, I might be interested, and the hydraulic clutch would make it easier to hook up. (got one in my '27, and it was much easier to engineer)


  10. #10
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    It's a tad dirty
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  11. #11
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    How would the starter bolt on in this application. Looks like it bolts to bellhousing, and mine is to the bottom of block. Is that an issue?

    My email address is donshotrod@hotmail.com. Please send me what you are looking to get out of it, and when I get the tranny we can do some measuring of bolt patterns, etc.

    You could PM me, but I still can't figure how to retrieve these.


  12. #12
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    The starter does bolt to the bellhousing. I combined parts from the 400 and 283 and never had any problems.
    Ken Thomas
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  13. #13
    northernbob is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    just wondering what the hydraulic bellhousing was originally from?
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  14. #14
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    Chevy trucks used them in certain years. Not sure exactly which ones though.


  15. #15
    HWORRELL's Avatar
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    I think ya can find that setup on 80's & 90's era s10 pickups and chevy astro vans all with the 4.3 engines and any of the same era pickups with the 4.3 v6
    and v8's, should be plentiful @ the local pick & pull.....

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