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Thread: u joint change

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  1. #1
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    u joint change


    How does this style u joint get removed?
    see image:

    All the ones I have done in the past always had a retaining clip holding it in. Is this a cap I am looking at? There seems to be some sort of blue plastic pins inserted into the sides of the yoke.

    I am hoping to use this 1350 yoke with my 1310 drivesahft. I was going to buy a spicer 1310/1350 conversion ujoint. My driveshaft uses the retaining clip style u joints, will it work with this yoke?

  2. #2
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    Thx Denny, heat it? no $h!t? I would have never guessed it.
    few more questions...
    1) Are the "cups" just caps?
    2) Are the retaining clips beneath the cups?
    3) Are the cups necesarry to re-install after I swap out the u joint?
    4) Should I even waste my time with this yoke?
    Last edited by Gusaroo; 06-08-2007 at 09:41 AM.

  3. #3
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    And unless my memory does me wrong, once you get the blue plastic melted out, and the center "spider" removed, there will be a groove inside to hold the retainer clips which you will add to hold the new "spider" and bearings in place.---But you will have to melt and dig the plastic out of the groove.
    Old guy hot rodder

  4. #4
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    The "cups" are the outer race for the needle bearings---there are no retaining clips, but the groove will be there after you melt the plastic out. yes, you must reinstal the "cups", but they come as part of the new u-joint spider. Yes, go ahead and rebuild it---no different than the older style u-joints----its just that the automotive plants find it quicker and cheaper to use the plastic instead of metal retainer clips, on the assembly line.
    Old guy hot rodder

  5. #5
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    Ah I think I get it...the groove is in there, and when I rebuild the yoke, I will use clips. The new u-joint cup will sit deeper into the yoke revealing the groove, so I can install the clip. Correct?

  6. #6
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gusaroo
    Ah I think I get it...the groove is in there, and when I rebuild the yoke, I will use clips. The new u-joint cup will sit deeper into the yoke revealing the groove, so I can install the clip. Correct?
    Yep, thats the way it works----sorry Denny for answering, I know you would have covered it---Brian
    Old guy hot rodder

  7. #7
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    thx guys..!!

    What the hell did you guys do before the internet and forums...? It would have taken me a while to figure this one out, or I may have ruined the yoke by just "having at it with a hammer and screw driver"...

  8. #8
    nitrowarrior's Avatar
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    Before the internet and forums? Smashed fingers and thumb, learned new cuss words and spent more money than originally intended
    What if the "Hokey Pokey" is what it's really all about?

  9. #9
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    I may have been exagerating a bit, but I am not ruling it out either...

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