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Thread: School me on torque convertors

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: '27 ford/'39 dodge/ '23 t

    School me on torque convertors


    Tonight Don and I finally got together to pull his engine and transmission out of his T so I can send it back to TCI. You might remember that the last time he drove it I had to tow him home because the transmission acted like it was in neutral. I had called TCI at that time and the guy I spoke with gave me the impression he had heard of this problem before, he suggested that the splines in the convertor or on the input shaft had probably rounded out. He said to send the transmission back and they would take care of it.

    When we dropped the transmission and pulled the convertor off we immediately found the problem. There was a rattle of something loose when we turned it upside down to drain the fluid out of it and we could take a screwdriver and move the insides around in the convertor. It looks like it just came apart.

    I am going to call them tomorrow but wanted to ask you guys what causes this to happen? Do the welds fail? Also, some metal shavings came out, so I suspect the transmission got some inside it too. Should I demand a brand new transmission since this one only has about 200 miles max on it? Do you think the shavings can be successfully flushed out by TCI?

    I know very little about automatic transmissions. I am also going to ask them if we can swap out this one (2800 stall) for a 3300 stall because of the radical cam Don is running.

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

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