Thread: cruiseomatic
07-31-2010 12:13 PM #1
Help with how to identify a ford tranny? Console shifter with 1st gear on bottom (low), middle dot with circle around it (1,2,3, gears), top green dot (solid colored) is starting 2nd gear and will shift into high, correct? Anyone who knows send me an email.Last edited by Medenwald; 07-31-2010 at 12:15 PM. Reason: mispell
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07-31-2010 12:43 PM #2
Ok Mooneye777, here is what I consider a perfect example of why some threads get ignored:
1) Very first post, no intro. It is just like walking into a room of people and not introducing yourself before you start talking to them. He didn't even take the time to fill out a profile so we know if he is for real or jerking our chains.
2) Not very clear on what he is looking for. He knows he has a Cruisamatic, but what more is he wanting?
3) No thank you whatsoever, kind of "demands" that we email him with an answer.
Not picking on you Mendenwald, but manners are manners. If you want people to help you the first thing you need to do is ask" please" and thank them at the end. If you can't take the time to stop back and discuss what you wanted to know, what are our incentives to want to tell you?
DonLast edited by Itoldyouso; 07-31-2010 at 12:45 PM.
07-31-2010 01:14 PM #3
"It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells
08-06-2010 12:13 PM #4
08-06-2010 12:46 PM #5
tread post
Sorry Don, didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm not real into this computer stuff and didn't fiqure I should use up to much space. I,m an old broken down construction worker and am just getting into finding parts for my 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 XL. I am looking for information to find out which transmission was in the car orginally. On the console it has the L on the bottom of the shift pattern and a green dot with a circle around it in the middle and a single dot on top. It started out in 2nd gear in the top dot. The middle dot was 1st,2nd,and 3rd. I think it was a cruiseamatic but not sure.It has a FMX in it now but the shifting pattern isn't right. If you know of someone that can tell if the cruisamatic is the one I need I would certainly appreciate the info. Thanks to filling me in on the proper manners for thread usage and I'll watch my manners from now on. Sorry, just never been on one before.
08-06-2010 03:18 PM #6
Well -probably not the way you wanted to start out, but welcome to Club Hot Rod!!
We're really a good bunch and believe me there are a lot here who can relate to the "... old broken down ..." part of your response.
Try this link:
They seem to be the experts on all things Galaxie and should be able to help you with any of the original factory stuff!
I had a friend with a '65. he pulled the 352 and put a dual quad 427 in that bad boy and it would up and fly. Had a lot of trouble with second gear on the automatic so ended up with a four speed. Honestly, you could see a bit of daylight under the front tires when he hit second with the manual.
Post some pictures and when you want to talk Ford motors and such, there's a bunch of deep (read "old") knowledge on this site!
Again, Welcome to CHR!
P.S. - Don is one of the best - truly a wealth of information and someone I respect and enjoy. I think he needs a couple o' beers this afternoon and he'll be alright.."Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil
08-06-2010 04:29 PM #7
Well that introduction wasn't one of our better ones here. We have been having a discussion of how we don't treat newbies very nicely - and unfortunately you just happened to tune in at the 'wrong' time.
Welcome aboard. Don't worry about being too wordy when it come time to ask a question or get involved with a discussion. We, also as you stated are in many cases a bunch of ancients, arthritic in some cases and afflicted with CRS in others. But, again, welcome aboard. And, yes, as Glenn said, Don really is a good guy (most of the time) - it's the Florida sun.
Now with that said, we may pick on you occasionally once we get to know youDave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
08-07-2010 01:53 AM #8
I apologize too. Like was mentioned, we were just having a discussion about how some members questions are ignored. Your post just happened to show up in the middle of that and seemed to be an example of why some go unanswered. Sorry Bud, you seem like a decent guy, and I jumped the gun for no reason. Hope you stick around for a long time.
08-07-2010 10:35 AM #9
Welcome to the Club. Sorry I don't know much about cruisamatics, but have learned a bit about c-6's since the beginning of my build, with help from guys on here. Just stick around and the Ford guy's will chime in, although I'm betting that Gallaxie web club will be more helpful in this particular instance. I use this club for hot rod/ modification questions, but use a ford truck forum for any original OEM stuff questions. Again welcome to the club!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
08-08-2010 10:19 AM #10
saying Cruisomatic is really meaningless as Ford named lots of transmissions cruisomatics in the 60's... mainly C4's ( green dot and non green dot trans but depends on year ) but FMX's were also called cruisomatics... you need to find what cruisomatic transmission your car needs. otherwise hit up dearborn classics for a shift pointer that will match the FMX trans shift patternYou don't know what you've got til it's gone
Matt's 1951 Chevy Fleetline- Driver
1967 Ford Falcon- Sold
1930's styled hand built ratrod project
1974 Volkswagen Super Beetle Wolfsburg Edition- sold
08-08-2010 01:50 PM #11
i think you have a fmx if you have a second gear start trans.a cruiseomatic is a full 3 speed auto that starts out in first.dese the trans bolt up to the bellhousing like a manual trans???? if so you have an fmx.
08-17-2010 09:13 AM #12
Yes I have 1965 Galaxie 500 XL with a fmx in it now which shifts the 1,2,3 pattern but the original was a console shift with L on bottom and green circled dot in middle which shifted all 3 gears and top single green dot which started in 2nd gear and auto shifted to high. The guy that worked on my tranny originnally couldn't fix it so I got a FMX and put that in. It works fine but I don't have the old shift pattern and am trying to find a cruiseomatic which does. I couldn't believe it when I stopped back to get my old tranny and the hired man told me that the boss threw it out. Bummer but what do you do, so am now looking for one which matches my original. Hard to tell just looking at the casing but I was told that the original should have had a cast iron mid section with aluminum bell housing. Might have found one and will go look at it this wkend. I also discovered they had a on-the-column shifter which had the same design. Will have to see what I come up with. The FMX works great but would like to have an original type in the event I ever sell the car. Thanks for the reply.
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI