Thread: Trany kick down hook up.
08-19-2004 02:44 PM #1
Trany kick down hook up.
Ok Guy's ; The C-4 that I'm taking out of my Ranchero has mechanical kick down linkage. The new and better small block C-6 Trany has a electrical kick down. Any one know how I can hook this up in the 65 Ranchero? Since this car did'nt come with much in the way of electronics I'm not sure how to hook this up, to work. Thanks for any help.
~ Vegas ~
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08-19-2004 03:15 PM #2
I dont remember C-6 trans having electronic kick downs,are you sure its a C-6 not a overdrive trans. Post some pics of the trans and I can identify. I had a 87 F 150 that had a C-6 that still had the mechanical kickdown so I think you might have a E40D that is computer controlled but if you have a AOD trans it will have a cable that controlls the shifting. I dont think you have a C-6. Jeff
08-20-2004 03:55 PM #3
junkyardjeff; its got a round plastic piece by the linkage on the drivers side with 4 wires that come out of it to a female plug type end.
~ Vegas ~
08-20-2004 03:58 PM #4
That should be the nuetral & backup light switch....
08-20-2004 04:17 PM #5
Junkyardjeff; You scared me bud, I'm not to familer with that tranny. but the pan looks like it's supposed too. Here is what it looks like.
~ Vegas ~
08-20-2004 04:36 PM #6
Ok here is a C-6 with a wire that looks just like the one I have.
what are the wires for? And how do I hook them up in my 65 Ford Ranchero? A little help Please!!!
~ Vegas ~Last edited by vara4; 08-20-2004 at 04:38 PM.
08-20-2004 04:50 PM #7
Hworrell; How did you sneak that message in there. I totally missed it. What do you mean nuetral, what would it do for nuetal??? Thanks
~ Vegas ~
Keep's the car from starting in gear!!
Can't tell I just worked a 15 Hour Shift.Last edited by vara4; 08-20-2004 at 04:54 PM.
08-21-2004 12:23 AM #8
Thanks for the Info HWORRELL.
~ Vegas ~
08-21-2004 07:42 AM #9
And your drivin a fuel tanker around like that ????? ( LOL)
Just kidin ya Vegas.
I'll see if I can find ya a wiring diagram for the switch... Got any idea what year & model it came out of ????Last edited by HWORRELL; 08-21-2004 at 07:45 AM.
08-21-2004 11:37 AM #10
HWORRELL; I have no Idea what year it is, or what kind of a car it came from. The guy said he knows it came out of a car, but he did'nt know what year or type. I told Him it came out of a Ford, does that help your memory, He said nope and smiled. But I figured since these things are getting so hard to find I better take it. He said that they { C-6 Trannys } don't sit around long.
And non of the other junk yards had any C-6's around either, especially the small block C-6's.
My wife and son went 100 miles to pick it up while I was at work.
The C-4 that's in there works fine, I've just had problems with them before going behind a well built motor, The C-4's won't last.
Just trying to get all my duck's in a row. Want to get all the big ticket items bought and figured out, so when I'm ready to start really diggin in, there are no hold up's. Thanks Again.
~ Vegas ~
08-21-2004 09:11 PM #11
Thanks HWORRELL; I was going on some thing that some else had said about that wire being a electric kick down. In the 67 mustang I had a B & M Shifter. And the revers/ back up light switch looked totaly differant from this switch. Thanks again for you help in figuring it out.
~ Vegas ~
You're welcome Mike, glad it worked out for you. Roger, it's taken a few years but my inventory of excess parts has shrunk a fair bit from 1 1/2 garage stalls to about an eight by eight space. ...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI