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Thread: WELCOME to the new Upholstery/Interior section

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  1. #1
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Thumbs up WELCOME to the new Upholstery/Interior section


    With a suggestion from several members, Brent has been kind enough to start a new sub forum for those that wish to talk/discuss Upholstery. While the title states "Upholstery/Interior", I would think that talk about convertible and vinyl tops would also be included in this section. So, have at it, keep it civil, and enjoy.


    Bill S.
    Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.

  2. #2
    barnsey's Avatar
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    Thanks Bill, I for one will be keeping an eye on this thred.
    cheers barnsey.
    ps I hope that all of you guys have a great xmas
    Now whos going to show us how to make door cards and cover them in cloth.
    cheers Brett

  3. #3
    R's 2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Right on !! our own section !! yeah .... Merry Christmas !!!!
    now what the heck do we do !!!

  4. #4
    pastor bubba's Avatar
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    Thank you for adding this section as it will be much easier to find topics on interiors.

  5. #5
    ford2custom's Avatar
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    Good deal

    Thanks again


  6. #6
    Rickomatic's Avatar
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    Thanks Brent and by the way, thanks as well to Bill S.

    Pride Runs Deep

  7. #7
    stovens's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, it would be great to link some of the old threads that have been on this subject here. We do have a lot of talented folks with tricks of the trade on here.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  8. #8
    RECOVERY ROOM's Avatar
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    I will have to keep my eye's on this section

  9. #9
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    Thanks Bill and Brent for this section. Should be interesting to see how many good interior guys come in here now and throw up advice. I have always wanted to learn the interior/upholstery trade. Most guys do not like to show you how to do it because it's an art and they all learned on their own. Seems like a hard business to get into. I would like to learn just for personal use.

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

  10. #10
    OHMY34's Avatar
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    well this is not a how to, but a thanks to the father & son that did this for me in seven working days. may not be everybodys taste but i wanted something different but used the orginal seats. and the price was 2 garnd 004.JPG




    001.JPGand it was naked when i delivered it to them. they a located in hixson tn. worth the trip for me! picked it up yesterday just in time for a christmas present to me. THANK YOU jonathan

  11. #11
    drec's Avatar
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    Who does their own upholstery?

  12. #12
    Hombre259's Avatar
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    Man am I glad to see this new topic get its own place. I just bought a upholstrey sewing machine a Rex. Maybe now with this new board I can learn how to use the thing. I am not interested in going into the sewing and trimming business, but it would be very cool to include this aspect of car fab into my own cars. I am sure many feel the same way.

    Merry Xmas to all you guys, and may the new year brings us all a better place.


    OHMY34---- Man that is just beautiful , I know you are proud of it, Anyone should be!
    Last edited by Hombre259; 12-24-2009 at 09:51 PM.
    Protected people will never know or understand the intensity life can be lived at. To do that you must complettly and totally understand the meaning of the word "DUCK"

  13. #13
    RECOVERY ROOM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FMXhellraiser View Post
    Thanks Bill and Brent for this section. Should be interesting to see how many good interior guys come in here now and throw up advice. I have always wanted to learn the interior/upholstery trade. Most guys do not like to show you how to do it because it's an art and they all learned on their own. Seems like a hard business to get into. I would like to learn just for personal use.
    It is a hard trade to learn and be good at,I have seen guys that have shops that have been in the business for years and still are trying to get it right.It is a test in free form thinking,There is nothing to start with and you have to create the enviroment you are looking at and sitting on.Just like any other aspect of your car the more you do the better you get.I have been in the business 20 years and have been lucky enuf to have been part of every major award given and work with some of the best builders in the country and I am still trying to get better all the time.That is what makes working fun, not just a job.I am a newbie on this site but I will give advice when I can.

  14. #14
    lamin8r's Avatar
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    OHMY34,looks like they have a few naked alligators around there now...
    Micah 6:8

    If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???


  15. #15
    ford2custom's Avatar
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    I went to Wyo Tech in 1988 just to learn to do my own cars. That was something I wanted to do since the 60's I would see mail order classes, and I started one but it didn't work out. Then in 88 I had the resources to go to WYO Tech for three months. I drove a 41 Chevy Coupe 1000 miles out to Laramie, I finished my car drove back home on a Christmas Eve. I had to get back to my regular job, and I ended up having an accident that took me off the job. I still have my industrial Consew machine and I wouldn’t part with it. I finished one car after coming home before my accident a 79 Corvette but I still like seeing guys/gals since there was one girl in our class of 88 do nice work.


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