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Thread: Semi saving an Orignal 40 Chevy seat frame...

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  1. #1
    M.T.'s Avatar
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    Semi saving an Orignal 40 Chevy seat frame...


    So this seat is a take out and given to me to do with as I wish. The plan is to strip it down and see what I have to work with. Ive taken these frames in the past and built new lower zig zag spring frames with flip up bases for the bottoms. This gives the car when upholstered the original look but a little stiffer and up dated feel with some additional storage under te seat. So that is what Im going to do with this one...

    Imagine It will take a month or so to finish it up but Im ultra busy with the Fathers day special I have going on with the seat but will throw pics up as I make progress... Any one in San Diego need a really solid 40 Chevy Split back seat?

    31wks 002.jpgs31wks 004.jpg.31wks 003.jpg

    After dawning the hazmat suit, double gloving, and masking up to protect myself from coming in contact with the massive quanity of mouse and rat CRAP I made some head way. Looks like the base will be reuilt but the back springs look to be in great shape so I will try to salvage them.
    Model A 001.jpg
    Model A 002.jpg
    Last edited by M.T.; 06-10-2014 at 05:08 PM.
    Bob, Bob, & Bob

    Change is Opportunity!


  2. #2
    34_40's Avatar
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    Looks like you're starting off pretty crappy! But I'm certain it'll be a silk purse when you're through!

  3. #3
    M.T.'s Avatar
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    I know its kind of weird but I really appreciate the old school seat construction. And to be honset I prefer the old stuff if it can be salvaged. I plan to take it down to the clean and spring level and will probably end up sending it going down the road to someone who can appreciate the new and improved seat with the original look. Seems you just coined the business im in... Crappy to Silk, I like it, think I will add it to my sig line. It will be our little reminder of exactly what I do and why. Thanks
    Last edited by M.T.; 06-10-2014 at 07:26 PM.
    Bob, Bob, & Bob

    Change is Opportunity!


  4. #4
    rspears's Avatar
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    You might consider "silk purses from sow's ears".
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  5. #5
    34_40's Avatar
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    C:S .. has a certain something.. keeps'em wondering!

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